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- $:/YTScalePattern
- $:/YTSnakeBodyShape
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- 24th July 2021 1:07 PM
- 27th May 2024 6:36 PM
- aarakocra
- Aaren d'Cannith
- Aarott ir'Wynarn
- aasimar
- Aasimar of Fernia
- Aasimar of Irian
- Aasimar of Mabar
- Aasimar of the Divinity Within
- Aasimar of the Silver Flame
- Aasimar of the Undying Court
- Aasterinian
- abalone quiver
- aberrant dragonmark
- Aberrant Dragonmark (talent)
- Aberrant Mind
- Aberrant Scar
- aberration
- abishai
- abjuration
- abjure enemy
- abjurer's guilder
- Abode
- aboleth
- absentia
- Absolute Peace
- absorb elements
- Aburathear
- Abyssal
- Abyssal Forest of Khaar
- accessory
- achaierai
- acid arrow
- Acid Green
- acid lash
- acid splash
- acidic fire
- acidic slugs
- acidic twine
- acidlight arrow
- Acolyte
- Adal ir'Wynarn
- Adamant Fang
- adamantine
- adamantine armor
- adamantine urchin
- adamantine weapon
- adaptive garment
- Adar
- Adaran
- Adaran enclave of Fairhaven
- Adaran ruins
- Adarans
- Adaxus
- add-a-verse
- Adder Bay
- Adder River
- Adderport
- Adele Fulirno
- adept
- advantage
- adventurers' guild
- aegis
- aegis glove
- aegis of radiance
- Aehion Hanius Hayttear
- Aejar ir'Wynarn
- Aelada
- Aelia's tonic
- Aelyndar
- Aeren
- Aeren's Sound
- Aerenal
- Aerenal Embassy (Sharn)
- Aerenese
- Aereni
- Aereni mask
- Aereni noble line
- Aerie
- Aeylia d'Thuranni
- affinity box
- Age of Demons
- Age of Giants
- Age of Monsters
- Ahdri River
- Ahdryatmin
- Ahmax Tumagin
- Ahnadiv Mountains
- aid
- Aida
- air elemental
- Air Soldiers
- air-step armor
- airship
- Alain Gourthan
- Alain ir'Ranek
- Alarak
- Alarkhad
- alarm
- alarming hourglass
- alarmotape
- Alchemical Bandolier
- alchemical compendium
- alchemical explosive
- alchemist
- alchemist's fire
- alchemist's frost
- alchemist's loupe
- alchemist's spark
- alchemist's supplies
- alchemy beetle
- Alder d'Cannith
- Aldfirth's earring
- ale elemental bottle
- Alemayehu Marjani
- Alhaura d'Jorasco
- alhoon
- Alina Alrene ir'Korran
- Alina Lorridan Lyrris
- Alinda Dorn
- Alinda Roerith
- Alioran
- Alirrin Shir
- allip
- almiraj
- altar of resurrection
- alter self
- Alvirad
- Alvos Brillik
- Alzia ir'Kesslan
- Amanatu family
- amanuensis
- Amaranthine City
- Ambassador Towers
- amethyst dragon
- amethyst lodestone
- Amilene Santor d'Sivis
- amnizu
- amulet of breath
- amulet of distracted gaze
- amulet of dungeoneering
- amulet of duplicity
- amulet of grim status
- amulet of insect interaction
- amulet of magic detection
- amulet of proof against detection
- amulet of rest
- amulet of sanitation
- amulet of the heart
- amulet of the inferno
- amulet of the night moth
- amulet of the planes
- amulet of warmth
- amulet of warning
- Anador ir'Laisha
- Analects of War
- anchor boots
- Ancient and Enigmatic
- Andala Undalon
- Andnemun Desert
- Ange Thornlong
- angel
- angelic cuirass
- Angwar Keep
- animal box
- animal friendship
- animal messenger
- animate breath
- animate dead
- animate objects
- animate plant
- animated breath
- animated helmet
- animated object
- animated shield
- ankheg
- ankheg ichor
- annis hag
- Annual Games
- Anstruth harp
- Antaegus
- antagonize
- Anthropologist
- antilife shell
- antimagic armor
- antimagic field
- antimagic ray
- antipathy/sympathy
- Antos Keldoran
- Antus ir'Soldorak
- Anvil
- Anvilfire Inn
- any melee
- any weapon
- apparatus of Kwalish
- apprentice's potion
- approach
- Araam
- Araam's crown
- Arak Yor
- Arakhain River
- Aram'kron
- aranea
- Arashuul
- Arawai
- Arawai's Blessing
- arcanaloth
- arcane adhesion
- arcane artillery
- arcane blight
- Arcane Congress
- arcane eye
- arcane gate
- arcane grimoire
- arcane hand
- arcane key
- arcane lock
- arcane magic
- arcane mark
- arcane order
- Arcane Order of Aureon
- arcane propulsion arm
- arcane seal
- arcane signet ring
- arcane theory
- Arcane Tradition
- arcane trickster
- Arcane Trickster (talent)
- Arcanix
- Archaeologist
- archer's ally
- archer's tunic
- archfey
- Architect
- archivist
- ardent
- Ardent Seekers of the Illuminated World
- Ardev
- Ardhmen
- Ardras d'Jorasco
- Areksul
- arena
- Argentum
- Argon
- Argonnessen
- Argonth
- Ari d'Medani
- Aric Blacktree
- arjale
- Arkhosia
- armand
- armanite
- armblade
- armor
- armor of barding
- armor of blood
- armor of focus
- armor of fungal spores
- armor of gaseous form
- armor of gleaming
- armor of holy aura
- armor of invulnerability
- armor of mirror images
- armor of resistance
- armor of righteous might
- armor of sacrifice
- armor of safeguarding
- armor of safety
- Armor of Shadows
- armor of soul preservation
- armor of the fallen
- armor of the snake
- armor of the spirit dancer
- armor of the Winter Citadel
- armor of twin warriors
- armor of weightlessness
- armor of winter
- armor of Wultram's charge
- arms
- arms of Dyrrn
- Army of Promise
- Arnaaracaex
- Arnaarlasha
- Arolangard
- arranavel
- arrow of slaying
- arrow-catching shield
- Arrun Stone
- Arstyvrax
- Art Temple
- Arthuun
- artificer
- Artificer (talent)
- artisanal hammer
- Aruldusk
- Aryss of the Thousand Cuts
- Aryth
- Arythawn Keep
- ascendant councilor
- Ascendant Step
- Ascended Plaza
- Ascension
- Asdren Jorasco
- Ash
- Ash Beacon
- Ash Cauldrons
- ash remnant
- Ash Spear of Thakash Rin
- Ashardalon
- Ashardalon's stride
- Ashaya d'Lyrandar
- Ashblack
- Ashbound
- Ashen Spires
- asherati
- ashi
- Ashtakala
- Ashurak
- Ashwadhatu
- Askelios
- aspect
- asperi
- assassin vine
- assassin's blood
- assassin's brand
- Assassin's Eye
- Assembly
- Asta Brand
- Asta Vanalan
- Astalaar
- Astilabor
- astral dreadnought
- astral key
- astral projection
- astral ruins and hermitages
- Astral Sea
- astromancy archive
- atavist
- Atavist (talent)
- Athandra
- Athania d'Phiarlan
- Athania's Companions
- Atherton
- atlas of endless horizons
- Atrium
- attunement
- Atur
- Atur Academy
- augment undead
- augury
- Augury
- Aundair
- Aundair Embassy (Sharn)
- Aundair Enclave
- Aundair River
- Aundair Wynarn
- Aundair's silent sanctum
- Aura of Courage
- Aura of Devotion
- aura of life
- aura of purity
- aura of vitality
- Aura of Warding
- Aurad ir'Wynarn
- Aurala ir'Wynarn
- aurashala
- Aureon
- Aureon's Crown
- Aureon's Flight
- Aurora Gallery
- Aurum
- Aurum Lodge
- aurumvorax
- automatic portraitor
- Auxylgard
- Avaroth
- Avassh
- aventi
- Aventus Islands
- avian circlet
- awaken
- axe
- axe beak
- axe beak tomahawk
- axe of eyes
- axe of returning
- Ay'qatal
- Azael Vadallia
- Azara Iceborn
- Azazar
- azer
- Azhalar
- Azhani
- Azure Bay
- Azure Gateway
- Baalnakosh
- Baalo One-Eye
- babble
- background
- backup weapon
- bad outcome
- Baerdren ir'Davik
- bag of bounty
- bag of devouring
- bag of gricks
- bag of holding
- bag of leaflings
- bag of sundrops
- bag of surprises
- bag of tricks
- bagpipes of invisibility
- Bahamut
- Bahiri's
- Baker's Night
- bakunawa
- Bal Molesh
- balance of harmony
- balanced armor
- baleful talon
- balewolf
- balhannoth
- Balinor
- Balinor's Blessed
- Balinor's Sorrow
- ball lightning
- balloon pack
- Balm & Bloom
- balor
- Banarak Tithon
- band of loyalty
- banderhobb
- bands of the found and lost
- bane
- Bane-Reth
- Banigar Bihurrani
- banishing smite
- banishment
- bank
- Bank of Sylbaran
- Banking Guild
- banshee
- baomal
- Baran's Keep
- barb lance
- barbarian
- barbed devil
- bard
- bardic inspiration
- Bardic Magic
- barghest
- barkskin
- barlgura
- Barnan's Boathouse
- barony
- Barrakas
- Barrel's Bottom
- Barren Keep
- Barren Marches
- Barren Sea
- barricade shield
- Basco's handy bangle
- basic poison
- basilisk
- basilisk oil
- Basilisk's Gaze
- Basira Swamp
- Bastion
- Bastion (fort)
- bastion city
- Bastion Guard
- Bastion of the Silver Flame
- Bastyreth
- bath potion
- baton of many sizes
- Battalion of the Basalt Towers
- battering shield
- Battle of Cairn Hill
- Battle of Three Moons
- battle rod
- battlebrew maul
- battlechef buckler
- battlechef's splendid saucepan
- battleloth
- battlement bow
- Batwigg the Vole
- Baudry Cartamon
- Bavlorna Blightstraw
- Bay of Madness
- Bay of Swords
- Bazaar
- Bazek Mohl
- beacon bow
- beacon of hope
- beacon weapon
- bead of force
- bead of nourishment
- bead of refreshment
- Bear's Rest
- Bear's Wood
- bearded devil
- beast
- beast bond
- Beast Companion
- beast sense
- Beast Speech
- beasthide
- beastspite
- bebilith
- Becoming God
- Beehive Pastries
- Beekeeper
- beetle buzzer
- Beggar Dane
- Beggar Dane (Swords of Liberty)
- beguiling gift
- behir
- beholder
- Bel Shalor
- Belashyrra
- Belashyrra's beholder crown
- Belericax
- Belew Yorgan
- bell branch
- bell hammer
- belt of delayed death
- belt of diminution
- belt of giant strength
- belt of growth
- belt of returning
- belt of stars
- belt of troglodyte stench
- benevolent armor
- benign transposition
- Benith Ava Denithki
- Bennin Silverclaw
- Beren
- Bereschel d'Deneith
- Berrigan Enge
- Berrinessa
- berry of the birdwatcher
- berserker axe
- Berserker Rage
- Bestan ir'Tonn
- bestial mask
- bestow curse
- bestow darkvision
- Bethageh
- bheur hag
- Bhisma Na'kala Flamebrow
- bhuka
- Big Bara
- Big Bronau's Boat
- Biivma
- Bilge Rats
- Billan Tosh
- billowing armor
- binding ice
- Birne
- Birra Oak
- bitter armor
- Bitter Sea
- Bitter Shield
- biza's breath
- Black Arch
- Black Dogs
- black dragon
- Black Freighter
- Black Highway
- Black Iron
- black luminary
- Black Pit
- black pudding
- Black Stage
- black tentacles
- Black Wrack
- Blackbones
- Blackbriar
- Blackcap Mountains
- Blackened Book
- Blackened Sky
- Blackhammer
- Blackrock
- Blackroot
- blackscale
- blacksteel
- Blackstone Church
- Blackwater Lake
- Blackwater River
- Blackwheel Company
- Blackwood Bay
- Blackwood Jungle
- blade barrier
- Blade Breakers
- Blade Desert
- blade of disaster
- blade of embers
- blade of petals
- blade of rime
- blade of stone
- blade of the burning promise
- blade ward
- bladeback
- Blademarks Guild
- bladetooth
- blast disk
- Blaurath d'Kundarak
- blazewhip
- Bleak Council
- bless
- blessed birth
- Blessed Healer
- blessing tree
- blight
- blinding sickness
- blinding smite
- blindness/deafness
- blindsight
- Blindsight (talent)
- blink
- blink boots
- blink dog
- Blink Dog Brew
- blink flail
- blizzard sphere
- blood carafe
- Blood Council
- Blood Crescent
- blood gin
- blood glass
- blood hawk
- Blood Horns
- blood mother
- Blood of Vol
- bloodbloater
- Bloodborne Players
- Bloodbound
- Bloodcliff Bay
- Bloodhounds
- Bloodletting
- bloodmage dagger
- Bloodsails
- bloodscryer oculus
- bloodseeker weapon
- bloodshed blade
- Bloodstone
- Bloodstone Arena
- bloodstone blade
- Bloodstone Inn
- bloodstriker
- bloodvine
- bloodwell vial
- Bloody Mug
- Bloody Sea
- Bloody Shadows
- Bloody Tooth
- blue dragon
- bluerot
- Bluespine Peaks
- Bluevine
- blur
- bobbing lily pad
- bodak
- body
- body equilibrium
- Bodyguard
- bodytaker plant
- boggle
- Bogwater Tavern
- bolad paste
- bolatash
- Boldrei
- Boldrei's Feast
- Boldrei's Hearth
- bombshell pebbles
- Bonal Geldem
- bond-slip bracelet
- bone devil
- Bone King
- bone knight
- bone whelk
- bone-coral
- boneless leather armor
- bones of the earth
- Boneyard
- Book of Vile Darkness
- boomerang knives
- boomerang shield
- booming blade
- Boorne
- boost
- boots of elvenkind
- boots of false tracks
- boots of firm footing
- boots of flora-sense
- boots of haste
- boots of levitation
- boots of motion sense
- boots of ogre swiftness
- boots of planar travel
- boots of shadow stride
- boots of skating
- boots of striding and springing
- boots of the vigilant
- boots of the winterlands
- boots of trekking
- Bor'ob
- Boranel ir'Wynarn
- Border Keeps of Valenar
- Border Road
- boreal pendant
- Borian Haldorak
- Boroman ir'Dayne
- Boromar Clan
- borrowed knowledge
- Bortan ir'Wynarn
- Borunan
- bottle of whispers
- bottled abyss
- bottled breath
- bottled psionic ooze
- boulder seed
- Boundless Blizzard
- Bountiful Horn
- Bounty
- bovine armor
- bow
- bow of conflagration
- bow of grounding
- bow of mind thievery
- bow of the bloodhunter
- bow of the Silver Flame
- bow of the spectral wolf
- bowl of commanding water elementals
- bracelet of ghostly touch
- bracelet of guidance
- bracelet of hidden aura
- bracelet of less loss
- bracelet of tricks
- bracelets of captivity
- bracelets of sleeve storage
- bracer of the beast
- bracers of archery
- bracers of Vulkoor the Hunter
- brackish trudge
- braided quarterstaff
- brain borer
- brain in a jar
- brain sledge
- bramble seeds
- brambleheart quiver
- Brandin ir'Dulinch
- branding smite
- Brandy
- Brass
- brass dragon
- Brass Dragon
- Brassbinders
- brawling armor
- brazier of commanding fire elementals
- breastplate of Kamvuul Norek
- breastplate of the morning light
- breath mint of mimicry
- breath of Siberys
- breathing bubble
- breathsense
- Breggan Blackcrown
- Breggor Firstking
- Brek
- Brela ir'Wynarn
- Breland
- Breland Municipal Guard
- Breland Parliament
- Brelish Consulate (Stormreach)
- Brelish Museum of Fine Art
- Bremen
- Bren ir'Gadden
- Breven d'Deneith
- brewer's supplies
- Brey Crossing
- Brey River
- Brey Wynarn
- Breyn d'Orien
- Briar the Greensinger
- briarghost
- Bridge
- brigganock
- Bright Soul's Day
- Bright Wind
- Brightblade
- Brightfest
- Brightshield
- brightwort
- Brimstone Brakker
- Brina d'Medani
- Bringers of Fire
- bristle wand
- Brokaa
- Broken Anchor
- Broken Arch
- Broken Blade
- Broken Land
- Broken Mirror
- Broken Rhythms
- Broken Stone
- Broken Sword
- Broken Throne
- Brokenblade Castle
- Brokenbridge Brawlers
- Brokentooth
- Brom
- Bronze Bay
- bronze dragon
- bronze scout
- bronzewood
- brooch of buoyancy
- brooch of many sizes
- brooch of shielding
- Brood of Ruin
- broom of flying
- brothel
- Bryn Shander
- bubble pipe
- bug smashers
- bugbear
- Bugbear (talent)
- building
- bulette
- bulezau
- Bull Hollow
- bullywug
- Bulwark
- Bumper
- bunyip
- buoyant armor
- burglar's pack
- burning blood
- Burning Bright
- burning hands
- Burning Keep
- Burning Ring
- Burning Sky
- Burning Titan
- burnt othur fumes
- Burnt Wood
- Bushwhacker
- business
- business license
- byeshk
- Byeshk Mountains
- Byraka
- Caasht
- Cabal of Shadows
- Cabinet of Faces
- cackle fever
- cactus mace
- Caer-Dineval
- Caer-Konig
- Caerlyn's Blade
- Cail d'Deneith
- Cainan
- Cairdal Blades
- Cairn Hill
- Cairngorm
- Cala Boromar
- Cala Narain
- Calabas
- Calazar Tash
- calculate
- Caldyn Fragments
- Caleshaz
- caligni
- call lightning
- Callestan
- calligrapher's supplies
- calm emotions
- calming shawm
- Calynden d'Lyrandar
- campestri
- Campfires
- candle of anti-light
- candle of invocation
- candle of the deep
- Candlelight
- Cannith
- Cannith crossbow
- Cannith East
- Cannith Enclave (Dragon Towers)
- Cannith Forgehold
- Cannith South
- Cannith West
- Cannith's marvelous miniatures
- canoloth
- Canon
- cap of water breathing
- Cape Far
- cape of the mountebank
- Capshaw the Crier
- Carash
- carcass crab
- Cardaen
- Carnage Hounds
- Carnival of Shadows
- carpal candle
- carpenter's tools
- carpet of flying
- carrion crawler
- carrion crawler mucus
- Carrion Tribes
- Cartha
- cartographer's tools
- carton of useful pills
- Carver's Point
- Casalon
- casino
- Caskar Halavik
- Cassan Bridge
- Cassia Lorridan Claddik
- Cassia Lyrriman Dal
- cast-off armor
- Castal d'Cannith
- Castalaloa
- Castle Arakhain
- Castle Garodya
- Castle of Lost Things
- Castle Rhonewatch
- cataclysm bolt
- cataclysm mage
- Catacombs
- catching mitt
- Cathan ir'Demell
- Cathanikau Island
- Cathedral of the Cleansing Flame
- Cathedral of the Silver Flame
- Cathedral on the Hill
- Cathedral to the Sovereign Host
- cathier spleen
- catoblepas
- Cauldron
- cauldron of plenty
- cause fear
- caustic brew
- cauthooj
- cautious candle
- Cavallah
- Cavril "Collar" Blackwood
- Cayna
- Cazha Bloodwing
- Cazhaak Creed
- Cazhaak Draal
- celestial
- celestial armor
- celestial circlet
- celestial khakkhara
- Celestial Vista
- Celyria ir'Tain
- censer of commanding air elementals
- centaur
- Center Bridge
- Central Plateau
- ceratopper
- ceremony
- Chaela Tas
- chain devil
- chain of expansion
- chain shirt of the deep
- chained lantern
- Chalice Center
- Chalice Lake
- chalice of incense
- challenge ring
- Challenge Tiers
- Chamber
- chameleon candy
- champion armor
- champion shield
- Chanaakar
- Chance
- changeling
- Changeling (talent)
- Changeling Metamorphosis
- Changelog
- Channa Vown d'Cannith
- Channara d'Medani
- channeling wand
- Chanthwood
- chaos bolt
- Chaos Fleet
- chaos pool
- Chaotic Time
- Chapterhouse
- Character Creation
- character secret
- character sheet template
- Charisma
- Charl ir'Loran
- Charlatan
- charlatan's die
- charlatan's gloves
- charm
- charm of plant command
- chasme
- chef's apron of ease
- Chervina d'Ghallanda
- chest of preserving
- child of Eberron
- Child of Winter (talent)
- Children of Jes
- Children of Siberys
- Children of Winter
- chill touch
- Chillspike
- chime of opening
- chimera
- Chok-Palla
- choker
- choker of choking
- Chosen
- chromatic orb
- chromatic rose
- Chronepsis
- Chuniigi
- Church of the Wyrm Ascendant
- chuul
- chwinga
- Chydris
- Chyn Mendyrian
- Chyrassk
- Cial Jhaelian
- Cinder Sisters
- circle of death
- circle of power
- Circle of Song
- circle of visions
- circlet of blasting
- circlet of illusion
- circlet of stone
- circlet of the crow queen
- circlet of the Huntsman's third eye
- circlet of the sturdy mind
- Citadel of Lidless Eyes
- Citadel of the Closed Circle
- Citadel of the Sun
- Citadel of the Twelve
- city
- City Archive
- city division
- City of Brass
- City of Knives
- City of the Dead
- Clade
- clairvoyance
- clangorous shield
- Classic Theater
- Claw Islands
- Claw of Sha'argon
- clawfish
- clawfoot
- Claws of Kylaryx
- claws of the umber hulk
- cleansing stone
- clear-path mist
- Clebdecher's Loom
- cleric
- Cli lyre
- Cliff's End
- Cliffscrape
- Cliffside
- Clifftop
- Clifftop Adventurers' Guild
- climber's kit
- cloak of arachnida
- cloak of billowing
- cloak of displacement
- cloak of elvenkind
- cloak of entanglement
- cloak of flight
- cloak of intimidation
- cloak of invisibility
- cloak of iron feathers
- cloak of magical augmentation
- cloak of passage
- cloak of protection
- cloak of shadows
- cloak of stiffness
- cloak of the bat
- cloak of the bear
- cloak of the imposter
- cloak of the manta ray
- cloak of the sea
- cloak of the sun's grace
- cloak of the wind
- cloak of vines
- cloaker
- clockwork
- clockwork amulet
- clockwork bomb
- clockwork faefly
- clockwork healerbee
- clockwork inkbeetle
- Clockwork Menagerie
- clone
- Closed Circle
- clothes of mending
- Cloud Antiquities
- Cloud Dragon
- cloud giant
- cloud jumper boots
- cloud of daggers
- cloudjay
- cloudkill
- Cloudpool Park
- Cloudreavers
- Clovis Forlaine
- Coasthold
- coat of many eyes
- cockatrice
- Code of Galifar
- Code of Kaius
- Cog Carnival
- cognizance crystal
- Cogs
- Cogsgate
- coil crook
- coin of delving
- cold fire
- cold iron
- cold iron weapon
- Cold Sun Federation
- Coldflame Keep
- coldsnap
- Coldtide Fleet
- Coldwake Pond
- Collas
- Colleges of Io'lokar
- color pool
- color spray
- comb of grasping locks
- command
- Common
- Commons
- commune
- commune with nature
- communication
- community center
- compacted ooze
- Company of the Black Crown
- compel breath
- compelled duel
- comprehend languages
- compulsion
- concealable cutlery
- conch of the merfolk
- Conclave
- concussive burst
- conductor stone
- cone of cold
- confusion
- conjuration
- conjure astral construct
- conjure barrage
- conjure celestial
- conjure elemental
- conjure fey
- conjure minor elementals
- conjure woodland beings
- conquering presence
- Conqueror
- consequence
- Constant Change
- construct
- Consuming Storm
- contact other plane
- contagion
- container of heat and frost
- continent
- contingency
- continual flame
- control flames
- control undead
- control water
- control weather
- control winds
- Controlled Chaos
- convenience
- cook's utensils
- Copper Arch
- copper dragon
- Copper River
- copycat journals
- Coralonyn
- Cord Ennis
- corecut dagger
- Corius Corralyn d'Sivis
- Cornerstone
- Cornerstone (arena)
- Cornerstone (Kythri city)
- Corpse Collectors
- corpse flower
- coruscating raiment
- cosa bracer
- cosmetic transmutation
- cotraveling cloak
- couatl
- couatl herald
- couatl herald's fang
- couatl herald's guard
- couatl herald's lash
- couatl herald's mantle
- couatl herald's radiance
- couatl herald's reach
- couatl herald's scales
- Council Hall
- Council of Cardinals
- Councilors' Fane
- Countercharm
- counterspell
- Counterstyle
- courage
- Courdain
- Couriers Guild
- Court of Shadows
- covadish leaves
- Covenant of Light
- Covenant of the Gray Mist
- cowl of bees
- Cracked Keg
- Cracked Mirror
- cradle of healing
- Cragwar
- cranium rat
- cratering quarterstaff
- crawling claw
- crawling gauntlet
- Crawling Swamp
- create bonfire
- create food and water
- create ghast
- create homunculus
- create or destroy water
- creation
- creation forge
- creature tier
- Cree
- Creeks Shillyton
- Creilath Movanek
- Crescent Bay
- Crime in Sharn
- Crime in Stormreach
- crime syndicate
- Criminal
- criminal's cuff
- Crimson Codex
- Crimson Covenant
- Crimson Monastery
- Crimson River
- Crimson Shadow
- Crimson Water
- crosier of divine power
- Cross
- crossbow
- crossbow of whispers
- crossbow silencer
- Crossroads
- crow's eye
- Crown Island
- Crown Knights
- crown of deep winter
- crown of madness
- Crown of Sondar Thaj
- crown of stars
- Crown of the Black Fire
- crown of the wrath bringer
- crown of whirling comets
- Crown Point
- Crownhome
- Crucible
- Crucible (organization)
- Cruelty
- crusader's mantle
- Crya
- Crying Fields
- crypt keeper glaive
- Crypt of the Guard
- crystal
- crystal ball
- crystal blade
- Crystal Bridge
- crystal illumination
- Crystal Library of Azalakardon
- crystal theater
- Crystal Tide
- crystal waste
- Crystalfall
- Crystals of Denion
- crysteel
- cualra flask
- cube of force
- cuff of covert passage
- cuff of warding
- cuffs of connection
- cuirass of missile attraction
- Cul'sir
- Cul'sir Dominion
- Culan Silvereyes
- Cults of the Dragon Below
- Culture of Aundair
- Culture of Breland
- Culture of Cyre
- Culture of Droaam
- Culture of Karrnath
- Culture of Stormreach
- Culture of the Mror Holds
- Culture of the Tashana shifters
- Culture of Thrane
- Culture of Zilargo
- cure wounds
- Curse of the Titans
- curse oil
- cursed
- Cutter
- Cutting Words
- cyclops
- Cyre
- Cyre Embassy (Sharn)
- Cyre River
- Cyre Wynarn
- Daan
- Daanvi
- Daask
- Daca
- Daca's Watch
- Dael Tantein
- daelkyr
- Daeluse d'Kundarak
- Daera Sorandal
- dagger
- dagger of blindsight
- dagger of denial
- dagger of safety
- dagger of silent death
- dagger of the nightwalker
- dagger of venom
- Dagger River
- Dagger Span
- daggerhawk
- Daggerwatch
- Daggerwatch Garrison
- Daggerwood
- Dagoward's Apothecary
- Daja Brel
- Dajar Orioth
- Dal Quor
- Dal Vesh
- Dala Arand
- Dalaina Ironhand
- Dalan's Refuge
- dalasci
- Dalian ir'Tain II
- Dalin d'Vadalis
- damage type
- damp bag
- dancing club
- dancing lady
- dancing lights
- Dancing Shadows
- dancing sword
- Danger Sense
- Dangerous Revelations
- Danid Vieran
- Danika Rumblestone
- Danlerna d'Deneith
- Dannel ir'Wynarn
- Dannel's Pride
- Dannel's Wrath
- danse macabre
- Danthaven
- Dantian d'Lyrandar
- dao
- Daphanë d'Kundarak
- Dar Darath
- Dar Ilash
- Dar Jin
- Dar Kel
- Dar Mirn
- Dar Moyeer
- Dar Mun
- Dar Myan
- Dar Qat
- Dar Reth
- Dar Rhulat
- Dar San
- Dar Terash
- Dar Ulatesh
- Dar Vuleer
- Dar Zohr
- Dara ir'Rael
- darfellan
- Darguun
- Daric d'Velderan
- dark fathom armor
- dark petitioner
- Dark Petitioner (talent)
- Dark Power
- Dark River
- Dark Sea
- Dark Six
- darkeye
- Darkfire Crater
- darkmantle
- darkness
- darkvision
- darkweave
- darkwood
- Darkwood Wands
- Darkwood Watch
- Darro ir'Lain
- darts of tracking
- dartwing
- Darunthar d'Kundarak
- Daskara
- Daskaran
- Dasriel
- Daughters of Sora Kell
- Dava Gate
- Davandi Fine Tailoring
- Davian Karla
- Davienne of Sigilstar
- dawn
- Dawn Empress
- Dawn Harvest
- dawn shard
- dawn specter
- Dawn-Builders
- dawn's glory
- Dawnwing
- Day of Mourning
- daylight
- Dayne Bay
- daystar half-plate
- dead-gray mists
- Deadly Heat
- deadweight
- death dog
- death kiss
- death knell
- death knight
- death ward
- death ward armor
- Death's Finger
- Deathguard
- deathless
- deathlock
- Deathsgate
- Deathsgate Guild
- debilitating whip
- decanter of endless water
- decaton
- deceased
- deck of illusions
- decompose
- dedicated wright
- Deep Fourteen
- Deep Halls
- Deep Mine
- Deep Speech
- Deepest Hive
- deepswim armor
- Deepwood
- Defenders Guild
- defiant dominoes
- defunct
- deity
- Dejarn
- delayed blast fireball
- Delera Omaren
- Delera's Watch
- Delethorn
- Delirium Stone
- delver's amulet
- delver's claw
- delver's light
- Demesne of Memory
- Demesne of Motion
- Demesne of Music
- Demesne of Shadow
- Demesne of Shadow (Metrol)
- Demesne of Shape
- Demesnes
- demilich
- demiplane
- Demise
- demon
- demon needle
- Demon Wastes
- demonglass
- demonhoof hammer
- demonic cuirass
- Demonsong Bay
- Demonsong Channel
- Den'iyas
- Deneith
- Deneith Enclave (Stormreach)
- Deni shield
- densewood
- derro
- desert
- Desh Anarn
- Desolate
- destiny arms
- destruction
- destructive wave
- detect dragon
- detect immortal
- detect magic
- detect poison and disease
- detect thoughts
- detect traps
- detection
- Detention
- Dethek
- deva
- devastation orb
- devil
- devil's detail eyepatch
- devil's eye potion
- Devil's Sight
- devotee's censer
- Devotion
- Devourer
- Devourer of Dreams
- Devourer's teeth
- Devout of the Celestial Crown
- Devra ir'Lashan
- Dew-on-the-Leaf
- Dezina Museum of Antiquities
- dezullon
- Dhakaan
- Dhakaani
- dhampir
- Dhampir (talent)
- Dharvek
- Dhasuun
- Dhavibashta
- Dhavin's Post
- Dhavordrin
- dhergoloth
- Diamond Theater
- Diani ir'Wynarn
- Dice Roller
- digester
- Dilettante Spellcaster
- dimension door
- dimension door oil
- dimensional anchor
- dimensional pocket
- dimensional seal
- dimensional shackles
- dinosaur
- diplomat's pack
- Diraz d'Jorasco
- dire beast
- dire coral snake
- dire rat
- dire shark
- dire wolf
- Diresharks
- dirge singer
- Dirge Tiriandara d'Kundarak
- disable construct
- disadvantage
- discern shapechanger
- Disciple of the Elements
- Disciple of the Open Hand
- discordant thunderstave
- disease
- disguise kit
- disguise self
- disintegrate
- disorienting portal
- dispel immortal
- dispel magic
- displacer beast
- displacer ichor
- dissonant whispers
- Distant Exchange
- Distinguished Veteran
- district
- divination
- divine favor
- Divine Health
- divine magic
- Divine Sense
- divine smite
- divine word
- djinni
- docent
- Doiran Gallery
- Dol Arrah
- Dol Dorn
- Dolarashynach
- Doldarun
- Doldarun (sword wraith)
- Doldarunhold
- dolgarr
- dolgaunt
- dolgrim
- Dollen on the River
- Dolom
- Dolurrh
- Dolurrh's Dawn
- Dolurrh's Gate
- dolweave
- dominate
- dominion
- Dominion of Purity
- Dominion Theory
- Donata
- donkey kick trousers
- doodle ring
- doorvish ale
- Doovol
- doppelganger
- Dor Maleer
- Doran Cantar
- Doran Del Doras
- Dorann Holds
- Doras
- Doriak
- Dorius Alyre ir'Korran
- Dorn Peak
- Doss lute
- Dosun Oars
- double-bladed scimitar
- doubled sack
- Dougan's Hole
- Downstairs
- Dowron's Shield
- dracolich
- Draconic
- Draconic Eidolon
- draconic laboratory ruins
- draconic longsword
- Draconic Prophecy
- draconic transformation
- Dragana
- Drago Thul
- dragon
- Dragon Gods
- Dragon Green
- Dragon Hide
- dragon scale mail
- dragon slayer
- Dragon Spine
- dragon thighbone club
- Dragon Tooth Arms
- Dragon Towers
- dragon turtle
- dragon wing bow
- Dragon Wings
- dragon-kindled edge
- dragon's blood
- dragon's breath
- dragon's call
- Dragon's Crown
- Dragon's Hoard
- Dragon's Path
- dragonborn
- Dragonborn (talent)
- dragonborn clanhold
- Dragoneyes
- dragongleam
- dragonguard
- dragonhawk
- Dragonhawk
- dragonkin weapon
- dragonlance
- dragonmark
- dragonmark channel
- dragonmark focus item
- dragonmark reservoir
- dragonmarked house
- dragonnel
- Dragonreach
- Dragonroost
- dragonseye acorn
- dragonshard
- dragonshard field
- dragonsight
- Dragontail Guild
- Dragonwood
- Draj
- drakauthix
- drake turtle
- Dral Khatuur
- Draleus Tairn
- Dravago
- Dravot d'Cannith
- dread helm
- Dread Lake
- Dreadhold
- Dreadwood
- Dreadwood Isle
- dream
- dream char
- dream key
- dream lock
- dream mantle
- Dream Merchants
- dream of contact
- dream of insight
- Dream of Perception
- Dream of Strength
- dream prison
- Dream Scion
- dream serpent
- dream shard
- Dreambreaker
- Dreaming Dark
- dreamlily
- dreamshaping
- dreamspace
- dreamtouched
- Drenga Sandspur
- dretch
- dried leech ammunition
- Drifter
- driftglobe
- Droaam
- Droaamish History
- dromite
- Droranath
- Droranathhold
- drow
- Drow (talent)
- Drowning Sorrows Tavern
- Druella Grayroot
- drug
- druid
- druid grove
- druid's journal
- druid's sickle
- druidcraft
- Druidic
- druidic armor
- druidic throwing club
- Drul Kantar
- Drum Keep
- Drunken Dragon
- Drusila Shol
- Druun Dhakaan
- dry boat
- dryad
- dryad staff
- dryad's gift
- dryadleaf
- drybrooch
- Du'rashka Tul
- du'ulora
- dueling sword
- duergar
- Dul Ayeer
- Dul Catun
- Dul Darat
- Dul El
- Dul Jhaar
- Dul Kalent
- Dul Natath
- Dul Uldane
- Dul Untan
- Dul Zeer
- Dul Zerath
- Dulateth
- Dumi's Smithy
- dune dancer cloak
- dungeon
- dungeoneer's pack
- duo-dimension
- duodrone
- duplicitous manuscript
- duplikey
- Dura
- Durable Summons
- Duralt the Augur
- Duran
- Durastoran
- Durat Tal
- Durgran Torrn
- Durok the Masher
- dusk hag
- Dusk Riders
- dusk shard
- Duskwing Clanhold
- Duskwood
- dust devil
- dust of corrosion
- dust of disappearance
- dust of dryness
- dust of luminescence
- dust of silent passage
- duster
- Duul Hashraac
- Duum
- Duurwood
- Duuth Velderan
- Dvaarnava
- dwarf
- Dwarf (talent)
- Dwellwater
- Dyalya
- dybbuk
- Dyran ir'Wynarn
- Dyrrn
- Dyrrn's tentacle whip
- eagle tears
- Eagle's Claw
- eaglereign
- ear cuff of the vampire bat
- earrings of balance
- earrings of hearing
- earrings of sight-reading
- earth elemental
- earth tremor
- Earth's Fist
- earthbind
- earthen grasp
- earthquake
- earworm
- Easthaven
- eater of knowledge
- eavesdropper earrings
- Eberron
- Eberron TW Updater
- ebon sedge
- echo stone
- Echoes of the Past
- eddy flute
- Edgewalkers
- edible book of recipes
- Eel Bay
- Eera ir'Jalon
- efreeti
- efreeti chain
- eidolon
- Eiras Tialaen d'Phiarlan
- Eis
- Ek
- Elabenna
- eladrin
- Eladrin (talent)
- Elar d'Thuranni
- Elari d'Orien
- Eld ir'Zarna
- Eldamir Fallowcrest
- Eldeen Bay
- Eldeen Reaches
- Eldeen River
- Eldeen Wolves
- elder brain
- elder tempest
- Eldrantulku
- Eldred's Pool
- eldritch blast
- Eldritch Cannon
- Eldritch Groves
- eldritch knight
- Eldritch Knight (talent)
- eldritch machine
- eldritch scarf
- Eldritch Sight
- eldritch staff
- eldritch whorlwood
- electric caltrops
- elemental
- Elemental Adept
- elemental bane
- elemental binding
- elemental cannon
- elemental drudge
- elemental galleon
- elemental gem
- elemental land cart
- Elemental Power
- elemental vessel
- elemental weapon
- Elemon
- elephant wagon
- elf
- Elf (talent)
- Elf-Dragon Wars
- Elibadhma Galmemean
- elixir of feigned death
- elixir of health
- Ellfate's Eatery
- Elli Forest
- Ellida
- Elsaral Quilath
- Elvinor Elorrenthi d'Phiarlan
- Elymer
- ember
- Ember
- Embers
- Embrace the Unknown
- Embrisa
- Emerald Claw
- emerald dragon
- emerald pen
- empathic rings
- Emperor
- Empowered Fire
- Empowered Ice
- empowerment
- Empress of Shadows
- Empty Handed
- Enchanted Realm
- enchantment
- enchantment breaker
- enclave
- encode thoughts
- Endelyn Moongrave
- Endira d'Deneith
- Endless Ocean
- Endless Weald
- Endseekers
- enduring spellbook
- Endworld Mountains
- eneko
- Eneko (talent)
- enemies abound
- energized gauntlets
- enervation
- enhance ability
- enhanced fortified armor
- Enhanced Wild Shape
- Enidda's tea set
- enlarge/reduce
- ensnaring strike
- entangle
- entangled corks
- Entertainer
- entertainer's pack
- Entertainers and Artisans Guild
- entertainment
- enthrall
- entombed
- envoy
- Envoy Specialist
- Epic of Valiant and Vigilant
- Equator
- equipment pack
- era
- Eranna d'Ghallanda
- Ereg
- erinyes
- Eriz d'Thuranni
- Erlaskar
- Errim
- ersatz eye
- Erudite Order
- erupting earth
- Eshtarnak
- Eska Mountains
- Esoteric Order of Aureon
- Esravash d'Lyrandar
- essence disk
- essence of ether
- essence reaver
- Essyn Cadrel
- Eston
- Eston (human)
- Eternal Dominion
- Eternal Ennui
- Eternal Shadows
- ether spear
- Ethereal Blade
- ethereal ooze
- Ethereal Veil
- etherealness
- etherfish
- ethergaunt
- Etrigani
- ettercap
- ettin
- ever-fresh garment
- Everbright
- everbright lantern
- evergrow loaf
- Everice
- eversmoking bottle
- Evix ir'Marasha
- evocation
- expeditious armor
- expeditious messenger
- expeditious retreat
- experience point
- Expert Tracker
- explorer's pack
- Extended Druidic Magic
- Extended Illusion
- Externalist Theory
- extinct
- extradimensional chestnut
- Extremely Morphic
- Eye of Aureon
- eye of the bookwurm
- eye stalk wand
- eyebite
- eyedrake
- Eyes
- eyes of charming
- Eyes of Chronepsis
- eyes of minute seeing
- eyes of the gamelyon
- Eyes of the Law
- Eyre
- fable's end
- fabricate
- Fabricators Guild
- fabulist gem
- Face of Eberron
- Face of Tira
- Fade Away
- Faded Forest
- Faela
- Faena Graymorn
- faerie dragon
- faerie fire
- faerie frost
- Fairhaven
- Fairhold
- faithful hound
- Falaen
- Falazure
- falconer
- Falconer's Spire
- Faldren's Folly
- Fallen
- false life
- familiar
- Family Finch
- fanfare ammunition
- Fang
- Fang Crater
- Fangs of Argarak
- fangs of the fire snake
- Fantaz the Merry
- Far Davandi
- far step
- Far Strait
- far-jump bow
- Fare Trades
- Farlnen
- farmhand
- Farwatch
- Fasha Yask
- fashion
- fastieth
- Fathen's Fall
- Favored Quarry
- fear
- feast bug
- feather fall
- feather foot
- feather token
- feather tonic
- Feather's Fall Apothecary
- feeblemind
- feign death
- feinting blade
- Fela Fingerbones
- fence
- Feral Heart
- Feralyn Wolftail
- Fernia
- Fernian ashes
- Ferrous House
- Festering Holt
- festerwood masher
- fey
- fey rose
- feyspire
- feywine raisin
- feywrought armor
- Fherina Arvindi
- Field of Ruins
- Fields of Desolation
- Fields of Thought
- fiend
- Fiendfell
- Fiendish Vigor
- fife of dragonsong
- Fifth Crown
- Fight On
- figurine of wondrous power
- Fileon
- filth fever
- final messenger
- Find Creatures
- Find Items
- Find Miscellaneous
- Find Organizations
- Find People/Entities
- Find Places
- Find Spells
- Find Talents
- find the path
- Find Things
- finder's goggles
- Finders Guild
- Fingerbone Mountains
- Finias Wandhand
- fintail
- fiorice
- firbolg
- Firbolg (talent)
- fire blind
- fire bolt
- fire dervish cloak
- fire elemental
- fire giant
- fire lyre
- fire moth jar
- fire shield
- Fire Soldiers
- fire storm
- fireball
- fireblossom
- firecracker crystals
- Firelight
- firepepper
- firepine
- Fires of Industry
- firesled
- fireweaver gloves
- First Dawn
- First Night
- First Step
- First Storm
- First Tower
- Fist of Onatar
- Fists of Dal Quor
- Five Faces
- Five Luminaries
- Five Nations
- Five Voices
- fixed
- flail
- flail of Tiamat
- flame arrows
- flame blade
- flame of the forge
- flame strike
- flame tongue
- Flamebrow Clanhold
- flamefriend lantern
- Flamekeep
- Flamemaw
- flameskull
- flametouched iron
- Flamewind
- flameworm fever
- flaming burst weapon
- Flaming Sands
- flaming sphere
- flashburst
- Flayed Hand
- Flayer Guard
- Fleas
- fleet
- Fleet of Lorghalan
- flesh rot
- flesh to stone
- Flexible Time
- flind
- Flint Keep
- floating disk
- Flowing Time
- flowing weapon
- Fluid in Form
- flumph
- fly
- Foalswood
- Fochlucan bandore
- Focused Personas
- fog cloud
- folding boat
- folding disk
- follow-your-heart compass
- Folly
- folugub
- fomorian
- food
- fool's hat
- fool's speech
- forbiddance
- force blast
- force gauntlet
- force sculpture
- forcebreaker weapon
- forcecage
- foresight
- forest
- Forest of Flesh
- Forest of Lurking Shadows
- Forest Queen
- Forge Domain
- Forge Maiden
- Forgebinders
- forgehold
- Forgelight
- Forgelight Towers
- forgemaster's might
- forgery kit
- forget-me-not hat
- forgewraith
- Forgotten Prince
- Forgotten War
- forked bolt
- forlarren
- Forlorn
- formian
- Forsaken Forest
- Fort Bones
- Fort Bright
- Fort Deepdark
- Fort Light
- Fort Tansend
- Fort Zombie
- fortified armor
- fortress
- fortune's fang
- fortune's fivepence
- Fortune's Fool
- Foundation
- Foundry
- Four Sails
- fragment of dawn
- Fraihna Lohazzen
- Freedom
- freedom of movement
- Freeward
- freezing sphere
- frenzy
- Frenzy
- friends
- Frigid Shore
- Frigidus the Horrible
- froghemoth
- Frost
- frost brand
- frost buckler
- frost giant
- frost specter
- Frostblades
- Frostfell
- Frosthaven
- Frostmantle
- Frostspur
- Frostwall Mountains
- Frozen Sea
- Fulcrum
- Fulgrun Bloodboil
- full success
- fulminating treatise
- fungal stave
- furtive filcher
- Fury
- Fury (changeling)
- Fury's chorus
- gaa'avassh
- Gaala River
- gaeth'ad
- Gaia Sotharr
- Gailan's
- Galdin's Garden
- gale
- gale javelin
- galea of the phoenix
- galeb duhr
- galepierce weapon
- Galethspyre
- Galifar
- Galifar Museum
- Galifar the Dark
- Galifar Wynarn
- Galifar-Lhazaar War
- Gallimaufry
- galloping caltrops
- Galshani
- galvanic steelsnare
- game
- gaming set
- Gan'duur
- gang
- Gantii Vus
- Gaolgate
- Garden
- Garden of Respite
- Gardener
- Gardens of Io'lokar
- Gardens of Reflection
- gargoyle
- Gargoyle (talent)
- garrison
- Garrit Tomraan
- garrote of breath stealing
- Garrow
- Garyx
- gas spore
- gaseous form
- Gasslak
- gate
- Gate of Gold
- Gate of Xabra
- gate seal
- Gatehouse
- Gatekeepers
- Gates of Passage
- Gates of Sorrow
- Gath
- Gathan Warden
- Gatherhold
- Gatherhold Enclave
- Gathering Light
- Gathering Stone
- Gaulronak
- gauntlets of flaming fury
- gauntlets of ogre power
- gauntlets of outsider's bane
- gauntlets of rot
- gauntlets of sacrifice
- gauntlets of swift armor
- gauntlets of water walking
- gauth
- gavel of amity
- gazer
- geas
- gelatinous cube
- Gellis Candar
- gem dragon
- gem of seeing
- gem of thought-storing
- genasi
- Genasi of Air
- Genasi of Earth
- Genasi of Fire
- Genasi of Water
- Genesis Twins
- Genial
- genie
- Genie's Vessel
- gentle repose
- Gentle Thoughts
- geography
- Gerald Goodblade
- Gerazan Sandaili
- Ghaal River
- Ghaal'dar
- Ghaal'duur
- Ghaal'tash
- Ghaash Dar
- Ghaash'kala
- Ghallan jug
- Ghallanda
- Ghallanda cauldron
- Ghallanda Hall
- Ghallanda Scouts
- Ghalt
- Gharull
- Ghash Duurkat
- Ghillan
- Ghirvagura
- Ghorad'din
- ghost
- ghost blossom extract
- ghost lantern
- ghost phase weapon
- ghost sound
- ghost tiger
- ghost touch shield
- ghost-twin spear
- ghost-walk cloak
- ghostbeast
- Ghostbinders
- Ghostclaw
- ghostfish
- ghostly quiver
- ghoul
- ghoul gut
- Ghoza
- Ghoza River
- ghulra
- Ghwyyr
- giant
- Giant
- giant fire beetle
- giant insect
- giant owl
- giant slayer
- giantkiller sling
- gibberbox
- gibbering mouther
- gift of gab
- Gilded Labyrinth
- Gilead Rhoy
- Gilmaezie's Tavern
- Gimblette's amulet of bug blasting
- Gimcrack the Sly
- girallon
- gith
- Gith
- Gith (talent)
- Gjitha
- glabrezu
- glaive of the darkest depths
- Glamer Bay
- glamered armor
- glamered javelin
- glamered ring
- glamered whip
- glamerweave
- Glamerwind River
- Glass House
- Glass Plateau
- Glass Tower
- glasses of clarity
- glasses of far sight
- glasses of metal detection
- glasses of unobstructed sight
- gleaming weapon
- gleaner
- glibness
- glidewing
- Glimmerdoom
- Glimmergleam
- Glitterdust
- Gloaming
- Globe Information Agency
- globe of invulnerability
- gloom
- gloom stalker
- Gloom Stalker (talent)
- gloomwrought armor
- glove of compelled courtesy
- gloves of blind-sense
- gloves of climbing and swimming
- gloves of elder earth
- gloves of forged authentication
- gloves of healing touch
- gloves of missile snaring
- gloves of remote reach
- gloves of returning
- gloves of storing
- gloves of the arsonist
- gloves of the locksmith
- gloves of the pianist
- gloves of thievery
- Glowing Chasm
- glowrune pigment
- Glum River
- Glumtown
- glutton cutlery
- glyph of warding
- Glyphstone Keep
- gnawing plague
- gnoll
- Gnoll
- Gnoll (talent)
- gnome
- Gnome (talent)
- goblin
- Goblin
- Goblin/Kobold (talent)
- goblinoid
- goggles of night
- gogiteth
- Golan Dol
- Golan Thunder
- Gold & White
- gold dragon
- Gold Dragon Inn
- Gold Dragon Inn (Dar Jin)
- Gold Dragon Inn (Graywall)
- Gold Dragon Inn (Sylbaran)
- Gold Line
- Golden
- Golden Crow
- Golden Horn
- Golden Hour
- Golden Lions
- Golden Seal
- Golden Serpent
- golden serpent lance
- Golden Vault
- Golden Wing Inn
- Goldmire
- Goldwings
- golem
- golothoma
- Good Berry
- Good Mead
- goodberry
- Goradra Gap
- Gordian rope
- gorgon
- Gorgonhorn
- goristro
- Gornath the Madwyrm
- Gorodan Ashlord
- government
- Grand Ju'qata
- Grand Stage
- Granite Halls
- grasping vine
- grass whistle blade
- Grave Domain
- Graveyard Sentinels
- gravity bow
- gravity goblet
- gravity well
- Grawand
- Gray
- Gray Dragon Inn
- Gray Garrak
- Gray House
- gray ooze
- Gray Owls
- gray render
- Gray Tide
- Gray Wood
- Grayflood
- grayflower perfume
- Graymoon River
- Graystone
- Graywall
- Graywall Mountains
- Graywall Outpost
- grease
- Great Aerie
- Great Barrier Mountains
- Great Crag
- Great Hall of Aureon
- Great Hall of Feast and Fortune
- Great Hammertail
- Great Pack
- Great Stature
- Great Stone Face of Mror
- greater illusion
- greatwyrm
- green dragon
- green hag
- green-flame blade
- Greenblade
- Greenhaunt
- Greenheart
- Greensingers
- Greenspire
- Greentarn
- Greigur d'Deneith
- grell
- Grellreach
- gremishka
- Gremlins
- Greykell ir'Ryc
- grick
- grieving tree
- griffon
- Griffonclaw
- grig
- Grim Lords
- Grimgraj
- grimlock
- Grimstone Keep
- Grindstone
- grip of blight
- grist
- Grithic River
- grothlut
- ground thassil root
- grounding belt
- group character sheet
- Group of Eleven
- grue
- grung
- Grung (talent)
- guard drake
- guardian of faith
- guardian of nature
- guardian tree
- Guardians of Rushemé
- Guardians of the Gate
- guards and wards
- gug
- gug hide armor
- guidance
- guide of the weak
- guiding bolt
- Guiding Path
- Guild Artisan
- Guild of Endless Doors
- Guild of Moonlight and Whispers
- Guild of Starlight and Shadows
- Guin Silverblood
- Gul Dol
- Guldan Soldorak
- Gulf of Ingjald
- Gulf of the Moon
- Gulo Boromar
- Gundra'kul
- Gurb Bonecrow
- gurk'ash
- Gusan
- gust
- gust scimitar
- Gutterspeak
- Guulen
- Gwentan the Bear
- Gyrderi
- Gyrnar Shult
- Gywahar
- Haakar
- Haara
- Hadran d'Cannith
- Hadrill Gardens
- Haeldar Krakensbane
- Haftak's Books and Binding
- hag
- hag eye
- Hahlo's House
- Hail
- hail of thorns
- Hailana Islands
- hair pin of scrying
- Haka'torvhak
- Hal'daan
- Hal'dol
- Hal'fer
- Hal'iri
- Hal'kyth
- Hal'laman
- Hal'shavar
- Hal'syra
- Hal'thela
- Hala ir'Wynarn
- Hala'gon the Fulcrum
- Halak Boromar
- Halas Martain
- Halas Tarkanan
- halberd of the peacock
- Halden's Tomb
- Haldon d'Cannith
- Haldren ir'Brassek
- Halea d'Cannith
- half-elf
- half-orc
- half-speed boots
- half-weight belt
- halfling
- Halfling (talent)
- Hall of a Thousand Mirrors
- Hall of Blades
- Hall of Justice
- Hall of Steel and Clouds
- Hall of the Bereaved
- hallow
- hallucinatory terrain
- halodan mealworms
- Halpum
- Hamatash
- hamatula hide armor
- hammer
- Hammer
- Hammer and Chain
- Hammer Bay
- hammer of runic focus
- hammer of the farseer
- Hammersmith's Inn
- hammertail
- hanbalani alta
- hand crossbow
- hand mirror of retrospection
- hand of the master
- Handlers Guild
- Handlon the Brick
- handy coin vault
- handy haversack
- handy sandbag
- Haneela d'Jorasco
- Hanging Gardens
- hangman's noose
- Hanra d'Jorasco
- Hantar'kul
- haraknin
- Haras Kant
- Harash
- Harbor
- Harbor of Tranquility
- Harbormaster's House
- Hardy Haft
- harengon
- Harengon (talent)
- Hareth's Folly
- harm
- Harmattan
- Harmonious Sail
- Harmonious Shield
- harp bow
- harp of gilded plenty
- harp of valor
- harpy
- Harrack
- Harrowcrowns
- Harryn Stormblade
- Harulkek
- Haruuc Shaarat'kor
- Harvest Monarch
- Harvest of Pain
- Harysh
- Hascal d'Ghallanda
- hashalaq
- Hashara the Firebrand
- Hass Faldren
- Hass ir'Tain
- Hassalac Chaar
- haste
- hat of arcane knowledge
- hat of concealment
- hat of disguise
- hat of gloom
- hat of guise
- hat of holding
- hat of many forms
- hat of persistent fit
- hat of shelter
- hat of the fisherman
- hat of the horseman
- hat of the prankster
- hat of vermin
- hat trick
- Hathal Kosorak
- Hatheril
- hathil root
- Haunted Hastalar
- Haupberg Crossing
- Havakhad
- Havaluma
- Haven
- Haven (Sylbaran campsite)
- Havenglen
- Havulak Prospecting
- Hawk and Moon
- Haydith ir'Wynarn
- Hazaresha Salazan
- Hazariel
- Hazcoranar the Gravedigger
- Haze-of-Death
- Haztaratain
- Haztaratain Monastery
- head
- Headless Haralara
- heal
- Healer
- healer's kit
- Healers Guild
- healing arrow
- Healing Hand
- healing spirit
- healing word
- Heart
- heart of the sleeveless
- heart weaver's primer
- heartflow
- Hearth
- Hearth Promise
- heartstone
- heat metal
- Heavenly Fleet
- heavy crossbow
- heavy hand manacles
- Height
- heirloom performance
- Heirs of Dhakaan
- Heirs of Ohr Kaluun
- Heken Askarda
- Hektula
- Helkadesh
- Helkatash
- hell hound
- hellfire engine
- hellfire pitchfork
- Hellien Clamas Clebdecher
- hellish rebuke
- helm of comprehending language
- helm of head removal
- helm of perfect potential
- helm of telepathy
- helm of the sentinel
- helm of the Weald
- helmsman's shelter
- Hemlock
- herbalism kit
- heroes' feast
- heroism
- hewing handaxe
- Hewn for Battle
- hex
- hexaxe
- Hexblood
- hexton
- Hezcalipa
- Hezhaal
- hezrou
- hide from dragons
- Hideaway
- hideous laughter
- High Abode
- High Hope
- High Walls
- Highest Towers
- Highhold
- Highpeak
- Highwater
- Hilatashka
- hill giant
- Hillcrusher
- hinderling sword
- hindrance
- Hinterlands
- hippogriff
- Hissing Chorus
- historian's lament
- History of Stormreach
- Hlal
- hliska
- Hoard
- hoard mimic
- hoard scarab
- hobgoblin
- Hobgoblin (talent)
- hold
- hold immortal
- hold portal
- hold unholy
- Holdfast
- holiday
- Hollow Shards
- Hollow Tower
- Holondon Holt
- Holt
- Holua Xiv'inn
- holy aura
- holy avenger
- holy greatsword
- holy symbol
- Holy Uldra
- holy water
- holy weapon
- homunculus
- Honar
- honeysweet earrings
- Honors
- Honsaa
- hook horror
- Hope
- Hope (changeling)
- Hope's Peak
- hopeful key
- Horas Calt
- Horget Black
- horn of blasting
- horn of silent alarm
- horn of the halfling herald
- horned devil
- Horned Guard
- Horned Shadow
- Hornstone
- horrid ape
- horrid beast
- horrid rat
- horrid wilting
- Horse and Hearth
- horseshoes of speed
- hospital
- Host of Khorvaire
- Hostelers Guild
- hosteling armor
- Hourglass Coven
- House Agent
- House Lyrandar Shipyard
- house of cards
- House of Hazal
- House of Life
- House of Repose
- House of the Nine
- House of Wizardry
- House of Worms
- House Tharashk Refinery
- houseward
- Howling Peaks
- Howling River
- hrazhak
- Hruitt
- Hu'ur'hnn
- Hul'zamek
- Hular
- Hulrar
- human
- humanoid
- hunger of Dyrrn
- Hunger of Mabar
- hungry weapon
- Hunrut
- Hunt
- hunter's kit
- hunter's mark
- hurricane lance
- Hush
- husk
- Husker d'Orien
- husksteel
- hwyri
- hydra
- Hydra
- Hydra Halls
- Hydra River
- hydroloth
- hypnotic pattern
- Hyran ir'Tennet
- I Know A Guy
- I.W. Society
- Ice
- ice assassin
- ice devil
- ice knife
- ice shard
- Ice Shear Island
- ice solvent
- ice storm
- Icebinders
- Iceflow River
- Icegaunt Channel
- Icegaunt Island
- Icehaven Sound
- Icehorn Mountains
- Icemaw Sea
- Iceneedle Forest
- Icetop Mountains
- Icewhite Island
- icewild
- Icewood
- identification papers
- identify
- Ignra
- Ikar
- Ikar's Salvage
- il-Lashtavar
- il-Shati
- Il'ara
- Ilaan
- Ilia Merith
- Ilina Corla d'Cannith
- illusion
- illusory bait
- Illusory Reality
- illusory script
- Ilsa Boromar
- Ilsya ir'Lantar
- Iltrayan
- Ilyra Boromar
- imbued wood focus
- Imistil Forest
- Immeasurable Market
- immolation
- immortal
- immoth
- immovable button
- immovable cuirass
- immovable rod
- imp
- impact
- Impeded Illusion
- Impeded Magic
- Imperial Crypt
- impervious armor
- impervious cloak
- Implement Expertise
- imprisonment
- Imre Levalle
- Inana
- incarnum
- incendiary cloud
- inconspicuous hat
- inconspicuous purse
- incubus/succubus
- Indigo
- Indomitable Beasts
- Industrious Forge
- Inescapable Prison
- inevitable
- infernal aegis
- infernal calling
- inferno gauntlets
- inferno oil
- inferno rope
- Infernos
- infestation
- Infinite Archive
- infinite scroll
- inflict wounds
- Information Acquisition
- ingot arcanum
- Ingrim Jod Jarell
- initiative
- inkgill fish
- Inn of the Siren
- Inner Sun
- inquisitive
- inquisitive's kit
- insect cloud
- insect plague
- Inspired
- instant audience
- instant summons
- instrument of illusions
- intellect devourer
- intellect fortress
- intelligence agency
- Intimidating Presence
- investiture of flame
- investiture of ice
- investiture of stone
- investiture of wind
- invigoration
- Inviolate Way
- invisibility
- invisibility blanket
- invisible dagger
- invulnerability
- Io
- Io'lokar
- Io'lokari
- Io'vakas
- Ionbreaker
- ioun stone
- ir'Lantar family
- ir'Tain family
- ir'Uvanto Family Antiquities
- Iraala
- Iria ir'Rayne
- Iriakan d'Jorasco
- Irian
- iron bands of Bilarro
- Iron Circle
- iron cobra
- Iron Council
- iron defender
- iron flask
- Iron Gate
- iron oculus
- Iron River
- iron stomach elixir
- Iron Ward
- Iron Watch
- Ironlands
- ironleaf plate armor
- Ironroot Mountains
- ironshod trotters
- Irontown
- irresistible dance
- irresistible tap shoes
- Irristia Immiar
- Isan Chashy
- Isan's Extrinsic Emporium
- island
- Istaaran
- Item Infusion
- item usage tag
- Ivellios Dulaen
- Ivy Towers
- Ix Il'ar
- ixitxachitl
- Iyan ir'Talan
- Iyanna ir'Talan
- izmbi
- Izzardo
- Ja'shaarat
- jabberwock
- Jabra
- Jack-in-Irons
- Jack-Of-All-Trades
- Jacques the Hook
- jaculi
- Jade-Lin
- Jaela Daran
- Jaelarthal Orioth
- jaeldira
- Jaggeds
- Jahara Bay
- Jahara Sound
- Jairan ir'Dain
- Jakela Tuvodni
- Jal Paeridor
- Jalaine ir'Thavar
- Jalira Stormtongue
- Jamraal Ridgebreak
- Jana Velderan
- Jargret Gristrock
- Jaris Cantar
- Jarot ir'Wynarn
- Jarran
- jask root
- Jaunt
- Javan Tomollan
- javelin of lightning
- Jaxon d'Cannith
- Jaye Uruvai d'Thuranni
- Jern
- Jesel Tarra'az
- jester's mask
- jewelry
- Jhaasha
- Jhaelian
- Jhakanath
- Jhazaal Dhakaan
- Jhodra
- Jhoraash
- Jhorash'tar
- jhorkaanta
- Jhugaar
- Jirian Zayne
- Jolan d'Medani
- Jolan Hass Holan
- Jolan Wylkes
- Jolian Dan Jessel
- Joliana ir'Wynarn
- jolly oozebeans
- Jolnar
- Jonas Wylkes
- Jora charm
- Jorasco
- Jorasco Enclave (Fairhaven)
- Jorasco Enclave (Stormreach)
- Jorasesh
- Jorian Thiel
- Jorlanna d'Cannith
- Joseth ir'Kalain
- Jotara
- journal of eternal pages
- Journey's Home
- jousting armor
- joyous wand of color
- Ju'qat Reskan Taq
- juggernaut
- Juggernaut Upgrade
- Julian Gevard II
- jump
- Jungle Boys
- Jungles of Xen'drik
- Jurian ir'Wynarn
- Justice
- K.N.I.V.E.S.
- K'Naatha
- Ka'rhashan
- Kaadan
- Kaan'dar
- Kaasvola
- Kaelyn Windsong
- Kaius ir'Wynarn I
- Kaius ir'Wynarn II
- Kaius ir'Wynarn III
- Kal Bloodhorn
- Kalaak
- Kalaash'aarna
- kalaraq
- kalashtar
- Kalashtar (talent)
- Kalashtar History
- Kalazart
- Kaleena d'Lyrandar
- Kaleth Shol d'Phiarlan
- Kalphan Riak
- Kalryni
- Kaltaresh
- Kaltis
- Kaluunite Tiefling
- kamadan
- Kapaa Dor
- Kapaa'vola
- Kapaerian Island
- kar'lassa
- Karakala
- Karala Thautram
- Karch Tanners
- Kard'Aashta
- Karda
- Karda Keep
- Kardwina's Inn
- Karg
- Karka Darkbane
- Karklos ir'Ilsir
- Karlerren ir'Vore
- Karmos Render
- Karnel
- Karr'Aashta
- Karr'Aashta's Investigations
- Karrak
- Karrakos
- Karrlakton
- Karrn Bay
- Karrn River
- Karrn the Conqueror
- Karrn Wynarn
- Karrnath
- Karrnath Embassy (Sharn)
- Karrnathi undead
- Karrnathi warlord
- Karrnwood
- Karthoon Tor
- Karvasi Asylum for the Criminally Insane
- Kash Droranath
- Kashakanta
- Kashurashan
- Kason ir'Wynarn
- Kasserine
- Kasshta Keep
- Kasshta River
- Katanavash
- Katashka
- Kathuran
- Kathya Morn
- Katra's Voice
- Kauverra
- Kava Velderan
- Kavarrah Concert Hall
- Kavv's
- kech
- Kech Draal
- Kech Ghaalrac
- Kech Hashraac
- Kech Nasaar
- Kech Ruuska
- Kech Shaarat
- Kech Uul
- Kech Volaar
- Keep of the Silver Flame
- Keeper
- Keeper of the Flame
- Keeper's End
- Keeper's Fang
- Keeper's Maw
- Keeper's vault
- Keepers of Aureon's Veil
- Keepers of the Word
- Kel
- Kel'Aashta
- Kelani Thauram
- Keldoran Forge
- Kelki
- Kellan
- Kellas ir'Moran
- Kelneluun
- kelpie
- Kelshak Mountains
- Kendal Santor d'Sivis
- kenku
- Kennel
- Kennrun
- Kenton
- Kenton Del
- keoghtom's ointment
- Ker Marquan
- Kerkulin
- Keshraa the Fallen
- Keshta
- Keslo d'Ghallanda
- Kessler
- Kestia
- Kestran Dal
- Ketaal
- Keth
- Kethelrax the Cunning
- Ketheptis
- Kethuun Forests
- Ketin
- key of the keeper
- keycharm
- Khaar'paal
- Khaas
- Khalar Velderan
- Khandan Dol
- Khandar'Aashta
- khargra
- Kharva Crack-Tusk
- Khavish Theater
- Khesavuthir
- Khesh
- Khesh'dar
- Khorvaire
- Khorvaire calendar
- Khraal
- Khraal Lords
- Khunan
- Khunanese
- Khyber
- Khyber's Gate
- Khybersef
- Khyras
- ki-rin
- kieros leaves
- Kilk
- Kind
- Kineticist
- King of Fire
- King's Assessors
- King's Citadel
- King's Dark Lanterns
- King's Forest
- King's Shields
- King's Swords
- King's Wands
- Kingdom of Bones
- Kintam Malin
- Kintam Rhlash
- Kintam Ulakhun
- Kirris Sel Shadra
- Kiznak the Exterminator
- kleynam
- Kloinjer
- Kloinjer's Edge
- Knight Rangers
- knight's standard of valor
- knight's standard of vigor
- knight's standard of virtue
- Knights Arcane
- Knights Custodial
- Knights of Thrane
- knock
- knocking boots
- know direction
- Knowledge Domain
- Knowledge Ward
- koalinth
- kobold
- Kol Korran
- Kol Korran's Throne
- Kolas Verdgrin
- Kolberkon
- Kolis Sel Shadra
- Kolkarun
- Kolkarunhold
- Kolos
- Kona Erran
- Koor
- Kor ir'Wynarn
- Korac
- Koralanda River
- Koralandaluun
- Korbek Ghedin d'Kundarak
- Korbis Kan Nezzelech
- Kordran Mror
- Korgel Blackblade
- Korlaac Rift
- korlass
- Korliac
- korluaat
- Koronoo River
- Korranath
- Korranath (temple)
- Korranberg
- Korranberg Chronicle
- Korranberg Chronicle for Aryth 2nd, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Barrakas 11th, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Barrakas 25th, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Dravago 25th, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Dravago 2nd, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Eyre 11th, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Eyre 16th, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Lharvion 18th, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Lharvion 23rd, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Lharvion 2nd, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Nymm 13th, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Nymm 4th, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Olarune 16th, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Rhaan 13th, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Rhaan 4th, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Sypheros 18th, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Therendor 27th, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Therendor 6th, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Vult 20th, 998
- Korranberg Chronicle for Zarantyr 4th, 998
- Korranor
- korred
- Korrga
- Korryn
- Korskiir River
- Korth
- Korth Edicts
- Korth Enclave
- Korunda Gate
- Koruun
- Kotharel the Harvester
- Koulton Brightwind
- kra'uul
- Kraa'ark Lors
- Krag
- kraken
- Kraken Bay
- kraken whip
- Kraken's Brood
- Kraken's Wake
- Kree-Flamic
- Kreelo
- krenshar
- Krertok Peninsula
- Krezent
- Krona Peak
- Krozen
- kruthik
- Kruuth Tor
- Kularket
- Kundar chains
- Kundarak
- Kundarak Bank of Sharn
- Kundarak Enclave (Dragon Towers)
- Kundarak Enclave (Stormreach)
- Kundarak Vault
- Kundarakhold
- Kundran Torrn
- Kunigaal
- kuo-toa
- kuo-toa dreamseer
- Kurala d'Jorasco
- Kurala's House of Healing
- Kurmaac
- Kurn Velderan
- kuryeva
- Kushtuar Hills
- Kushtuar River
- Kuula Dhakaan
- Kwanti d'Orien
- Ky
- Kyrale
- Kyrzin
- Kyrzin's ooze
- Kythri
- Kyuss
- Labyrinth
- Labyrinth (enclave)
- Labyrinth (inn)
- Lac Dinneshere
- Laddin Tho
- Lady Ash
- Lady Dusk
- Lady Illmarrow
- Lady in Shadow
- Lady of the Plague
- Lady's Day
- Laenan Shol d'Phiarlan
- Lagraa
- Lain Soldorak
- Lair of the Keeper
- lake
- Lake Aat
- Lake Arul
- Lake Brey
- Lake Cyre
- Lake Dark
- Lake Galifar
- Lake Home
- Lake of Fire
- Lake of Sorrows
- Lake's Edge
- Lakeside
- Lalia d'Deneith
- lallis hound
- Lamannia
- Lamecha
- lamia
- lamplighter
- Lan Hazal
- Lanarak
- Lanarakhold
- lance of gentle repose
- lance of the hungering dead
- Laneth
- language
- language translator
- lantern of revealing
- Lantern Tower
- Lareth Hall
- larkmail
- Larrian ir'Morgrave
- Larunor
- lash of immolation
- laskin
- laskin horn
- Lassite family
- Last Chance
- Last Desert
- Last Resort
- Last Tower
- Last War
- Lastpoint
- lath
- Lathe
- Lathleer
- latitude
- Laurelbough Ward
- lava
- lava beaker
- Lava Pit
- law enforcement
- Laws of Riedra
- layer
- Lazrea d'Lyrandar
- lazy greataxe
- leaden cloak
- League of ir'Lain
- Leahtari
- Leaky Dinghy
- leash of lashing
- leeching quarterstaff
- legend lore
- leggings of balance
- leggings of silence
- leggings of the contortionist
- legion of Shavarath
- legs
- lemure
- Lendys
- lens of aberrant insight
- lesser eye stalk wand
- lesser illusion
- Lessyk
- Lethal Cold
- letter of credit
- letter of dispensation
- letter of marque
- letter of proxy
- letter-opener of facsimile
- leucrotta
- leviathan
- levibubble gum
- levitate
- Lhaar Dhakaan
- Lharc Suusha
- Lharvion
- Lhaz
- Lhazaar
- Lhazaar Embassy (Sharn)
- Lhazaar Principalities
- Lhazaar Sea
- Lhazaaran
- Lhek Traakar
- Lian Halamar
- liar's lyre
- libram of souls and flesh
- Librarian
- library
- Library of Hidden Knowledge
- Library of Korranberg
- Library of Robideur
- lich
- Life Domain
- life transference
- Life Triumphant
- life-sense staff
- light
- light crossbow
- Light Domain
- Light of Life
- Light of Siberys
- Light of Siberys (region)
- Lightbringer
- lightfoot
- Lighthouse
- lighthouse lantern
- lighthouse shark
- lightkeeper
- lightning arrow
- lightning bolt
- lightning bow
- lightning lure
- lightning pylons
- lightning rail
- lightning rod
- lightning runner
- Lightstorm
- Limited Wish
- Linguist
- lion shield
- liondrake
- Liondrake's Roar
- Liondrake's Roar Sylbaran Outpost
- Liotian
- List of Renamed Entries
- listening wire
- Little Barrington
- Little Fingers
- Little Graywall
- Little Plains
- Little Xen'drik
- liturgical council
- Liugwen
- livewood
- Livewood Theater
- living armor
- living doll
- living gloves
- living spell
- lizardfolk
- lluora
- locate animals or plants
- locate creature
- locate object
- locathah
- Locations in Sharn
- lock of trickery
- lockjaw toffee
- lockpicks of secret door detection
- Locksmith Square
- locksmith's bane
- lodestone tankard
- Lodge of the Eternal Flame
- lodret leaf
- Londurak
- Londurakhold
- Lonelywood
- long corn
- long rod
- Long Shadows
- long-range bow
- long-term madness
- longbow of dread
- longbow of the healing hearth
- Longstairs
- longstrider
- longtooth
- Loom Keep
- Looyan
- Loran Rath
- Lord Mayor of Sharn
- Lord of Blades
- Lords of Dust
- Lords of the Hunt
- loredrake
- Lorghalan
- Lorghalan Forest
- Lorghalan Gnome
- Lorishto
- Lorrister
- Lorsmarch Palace
- Lost
- Lost City of Harad-Nui
- Lost Isle
- Low Giant
- Lower Central
- Lower Dura
- Lower Menthis
- Lower Northedge
- Lower Tavick's Landing
- lower ward
- loyal caltrops
- Loyal Daison
- Loz
- Luca Syara
- Lucard Karvasi
- Lucky Dragonshard Cardhouse
- Lucky Nines
- lucky stray ammunition
- lumi
- lunar phases of Eberron
- lupallo
- Lurching Tower
- Lurker in Shadow
- Lurking Two-Maws
- lute of the reveling satyr
- Luunkashtai
- Lycaeum
- Lyran's Gift
- Lyrandar
- Lyrandar Enclave (Dragon Towers)
- Lyrandar Tower
- lyre of building
- Lyrenton
- Lyric's Herbs and Serums
- Lysse Lyrriman d'Sivis
- Lyssia Lyrriman d'Sivis
- Maagrim Torrn d'Tharashk
- Maaya
- Mabar
- Mabaran nightwater
- Mabaran resonator
- Mac-Fuirmidh cittern
- mace
- mace of disruption
- mace of smiting
- mace of terror
- maddening darkness
- Madness of Yaruun
- Madra Sil Sarin
- Madrasyla
- Madron's
- Madwood
- Madwood Gulf
- Mae-Kree
- maenad
- Maenya's Fist
- Maer Dualdon
- Maeran Mendyrian
- Maezan Shal
- mage armor
- mage hand
- magebreeding
- magecraft
- mageplate cap
- magewright
- magewright cantrip
- magic aura
- magic circle
- magic item
- magic jar
- magic missile
- magic mouth
- magic stone
- magic weapon
- magical healing
- magical implement
- Magical Pigments
- magical tinkering
- magician's judge
- magma war pick
- magmin
- magnificent mansion
- Magwroth
- Maira ir'Talan
- Majarin
- Making
- Mako
- Mala Boromar Jorasco
- malefic amalgam
- Malen Torr
- Malena d'Lyrandar
- malenti
- Maleshari
- Malevanor
- malice
- Malik Otherro
- Malketh Zolark
- Malleon the Reaver
- Malleon's Gate
- Malshashar
- Malukath
- mammoth boots
- Mange
- Manifest Legion
- manifest zone
- manifestation
- Manivarsha
- manor key
- Manta Bay
- manticore
- Manticore Inn
- Mantle of Clarity
- Mantle of Elation
- mantle of spell resistance
- mantrap
- map of destination
- map of location
- map of revelation
- Mar'saval
- Marai Jhaelian
- Marala ir'Wynarn
- Margaash
- Margana Lain
- Margana Sooth
- Margheta Tuvodni
- Marguul
- Marhu'kor
- marid
- marilith
- marimo of despair
- Marishantar
- Mark of Death
- Mark of Detection
- Mark of Detection (talent)
- Mark of Finding
- Mark of Finding (talent)
- Mark of Handling
- Mark of Handling (talent)
- Mark of Healing
- Mark of Healing (talent)
- Mark of Hospitality
- Mark of Hospitality (talent)
- Mark of Making
- Mark of Making (talent)
- Mark of Passage
- Mark of Passage (talent)
- Mark of Scribing
- Mark of Scribing (talent)
- Mark of Sentinel
- Mark of Sentinel (talent)
- Mark of Shadow
- Mark of Shadow (talent)
- Mark of Storm
- Mark of Storm (talent)
- Mark of Warding
- Mark of Warding (talent)
- market
- Marketplace
- Marketplace (town)
- Marquan's Rooms for Let
- Marrilach River
- Marsh of Desolation
- Martial Temple of Dol Arrah
- Maru Sakhesh
- Maruk
- Maruk Dar
- Marusan
- marut
- mask of Ashalyn
- mask of item inspection
- mask of the Droaamite
- mask of the misplaced aura
- mask of the pact bearer
- Maskweavers
- mason's tools
- Masque
- masquer
- Master of Escape
- Master of Myriad Forms
- Master of Runes
- master of the hoard
- Master Transmuter
- master's call
- Master's Hall
- masthin shoots
- Masvirik
- Maszani
- material
- maul of entanglement
- maul of the glacial heights
- maur
- maurezhi
- maw demon
- Maynard's Menagerie
- Mayne Jhaelian
- Maza Thadian
- Mazalaryn
- Mazalene
- Mazaraen
- maze
- Mazin Tana
- Mazina d'Vadalis
- Mazrath the Maker
- Mazyralyx
- medallion of thoughts
- Medani
- Medani dowser
- Medani foresight
- Medani prophet
- Medi spectacles
- Medics Guild
- medusa
- Medusa (talent)
- medusa earrings
- meenlock
- Meer River
- Meerkish
- Meira
- Mekdall Gallery
- Mel-Aqat
- meld
- meld into stone
- Melideth
- Melysse Miron
- Memorial Gulch
- memory locket
- mending
- Mendyrian
- Menechtarun Desert
- mental prison
- mental tools
- Menthis Plateau
- Menya d'Cannith
- mephit
- Mercantile Center
- mercenary troop
- Merchant of Misthaven
- merciful blowgun
- Meretsega
- merfolk
- Merrix d'Cannith
- merrow
- Merry Marcher
- Meryl ir'Ravalas
- Merylsward
- mesmerizing puzzle
- message
- metaconcert
- metallurgist's gauntlets
- Metamagic
- meteor swarm
- meteoric plate armor
- Metrol
- Metrol (warforged)
- Metrol Arena
- Metrol Undercity
- mezzoloth
- mezzoloth mail
- Mhaaca
- Mia's music box
- Middle Central
- Middle Dura
- Middle Menthis
- Middle Northedge
- Middle Tavick's Landing
- middle ward
- midnight tears
- Midwife
- Mig
- mighty fortress
- Migraam
- Mika Rockface
- milian tea
- military
- militia
- Mils Holt
- Milya d'Orien
- mimaxe
- mimic
- mimir
- mind blank
- mind flayer
- mind seed
- mind sliver
- mind spike
- mind whip
- mindfire
- Mindless Rage
- mine
- Minharkhad
- miniature mimic
- Minions of Chaos
- Ministry of the Dead
- minor conjuration
- minotaur
- Minotaur (talent)
- minute meteors
- Miraan
- mirage arcane
- Miravella Uruvai d'Thuranni
- Miron's Tears
- mirror image
- Mirror Lake
- mirror of infinite transpondence
- mirror of life trapping
- mirrored shield
- mirrorlight edge
- mirrorlight piercer
- miser's envy
- Misery
- Mishann ir'Wynarn
- Mishva Garodya Stormhorn
- mislead
- missile shrimp
- missile-proof glass
- Missions and Downtime
- mistmail
- Mistmarsh
- mistral mantle
- Mistress Green
- misty step
- mithral
- Mithral Tower
- mixed success
- Mizano Rupa's
- Moar'donn
- mobility
- Mockery
- Mockery's snare
- mockingblade
- Modern Age
- modify memory
- modron
- mohrg
- Mokush
- mold earth
- Molin Kaine
- Molou cocktail
- Molou Lassite
- Molou's Distillery
- Molthorek the Wizened
- momentum
- money
- monk
- monocle of Bagthalos
- monocle of clarity
- monodrone
- monster hunter's pack
- monsterbane lasher
- monstrosity
- monument
- moodmark paint
- moon
- Moon Breaker
- Moon Court
- Moon Reavers
- moon-touched sword
- moonbeam
- Moonlit Vale
- Moonshadow
- Moonspeaker
- Moonspeakers
- moonstone dragon
- moonswaddled armor
- Moontowers
- Moonwatch
- mootu
- Mor'Aashta
- Moraggan's
- Moranna ir'Wynarn
- Moras Tann
- Mordain the Fleshweaver
- Mordain's Hall
- Mordakhesh
- Mordalyn ir'Tanar
- mordrei'in
- Moren
- Morgrave University
- Morgrave University Library
- Morian Shol d'Phiarlan
- Morningcrest
- Morrikan d'Kundarak
- Moselin
- Mossmantle
- Mosswood
- Mother Graytooth
- Mount Kapaerian
- Mount Kel
- mountains
- Mourners
- Mourning
- Mourning Dawn
- Mourning haunt
- Mournland
- mournlode
- move earth
- Mror clan
- Mror Embassy (Sharn)
- Mror History
- Mror Holds
- Mror mushroom brew
- Mroranon
- Mroranonhold
- Mud Caves
- Mulraargo
- mummy
- Munta the Gray
- Murephan
- museum
- mushroom growth
- musical instrument
- Mutable Body
- Mutiny Harbor
- Muurat
- Muut
- muut and atcha
- My Stuff
- myconid
- Myla Flamesworn
- Myrana d'Vadalis
- Myri Olar
- myrnaxe
- Myshan Gardens
- Mystic Arcanum
- Mystic Glade
- Mystic Market
- Na'qalla
- Naar-Esqa
- nabassu
- naga
- nail paints of marking
- Naja Ash
- Naldhuna
- Naleen Lassite
- nalfeshnee
- Nalyna
- Narathun
- Narathunhold
- narstone
- Nasaar Kol
- Nat Gann
- Nathair Sgiathach
- Nathair's mischief
- Nathyrr
- nation
- Nature Domain
- nature's hand
- nature's mantle
- navigator's tools
- Nazin Redthorn
- Nderitese
- Neabaz
- necklace of adaptation
- necklace of the songbird
- necrichor
- necromancer's saddle
- necromancy
- Necropolis Gate
- Necrotic Power
- Necrotic Void
- needle of mending
- negative energy flood
- neogi
- neothelid
- nepeta amulet
- Nest
- Nestling Plateau
- net stone
- Nethatar
- neverending jerky
- New Cyre
- New Galifar
- newspaper
- Newthrone
- Niern
- night caller
- night hag
- Night of Razor Dreams
- Night Tide
- night's mantle
- Nightbit
- Nighthold
- nightmare
- Nightshade
- nightshard maul
- nightstalker's kanabo
- nightwalker
- Nightwood
- Niho Koi
- nilbog
- nilith
- nimbus coronet
- Ninebay Island
- Ninth College
- Ninth Wands
- No Chance
- Nobility of the Five Nations
- Noble
- Noble Wyvern
- Nolan Toranak
- Noldrun
- Noldrunhold
- Noldrunthrone
- Nolzur's marvelous pigments
- nonaton
- nondetection
- Norinath
- Norn
- North Aerenal
- North Circle
- North Market
- North Towers
- north-south ring
- Northedge
- Northshore
- nose ring of magical scent
- nose ring of noxious breath
- nosomatic chirurgeon
- Notaries Guild
- Note: Added Impact for Spells and Magic Items
- Note: Harkenwold in Eberron
- Note: Icewind Dale in Eberron
- Note: Mark of Prophecy adventure
- nothic
- Nowhere
- noxious smokestick
- NPC appearance and personality generator
- Nulakar
- Nulakaz
- Nulakazi
- null chalk
- Nullius Terram
- Numat's trick tubes
- nycaloth
- Nymm
- nymph
- Nystrum Shadar
- Oak Towers
- Oakbridge
- oaken bolter
- Oaks
- Oalian
- Oalian's Voice
- Oargev ir'Wynarn
- Oath of Conquest
- Oath of Devotion
- Oath of Glory
- Oath of Redemption
- Oath of the Ancients
- Oath of the Crown
- Oath of Veneration
- Oath of Vengeance
- oathbow
- obedience earrings
- Object Desire
- object projection
- oblex
- oblivion lipstick
- Obom's Mansion
- obyrith
- Ocean of Dreams
- ocean strider
- Ocean View
- ochre jelly
- octon
- Odakyr Rites
- Ofejjaia
- office
- ogre
- Ohnal Caldyn
- Ohr Kaluun
- oil of animation
- oil of bonework
- oil of etherealness
- oil of ironwork
- oil of repair
- oil of shadow armor
- oil of shadows
- oil of slipperiness
- oil of stonework
- oil of taggit
- oil of the fell fletcher
- oil of transparency
- oil of woodwork
- oinoloth
- Olarune
- Olath
- Old Bones
- Old Bones (tavern)
- Old Catacombs
- Old Changelog
- Old City Archive
- Old Man Cord
- Old Road
- Old Sharn
- Old Silverclaws
- Old Tira's Mercy
- Old Varkaar
- Oldgate
- Oldkeep
- Olinton
- Olkhaan
- Olladra
- Olladra Smiles
- Olladra's Arms
- Olladra's chalice
- Olladra's Kitchen
- Ollamh harp
- Olva's Grocer
- Omaren family
- Omaren Revolt
- omenbringer's mantle
- Onatar
- Onatar's Chosen
- one-strike hammer
- one-way lantern
- oneiromancy
- oni
- onona claret bottle
- Onyx Fountain
- Onyx Skull
- Ooos
- ooze
- Open Palm Inn
- Open Sky
- Operation Leviathan
- Opilano
- Opilion
- Orakhun
- Oralys d'Kundarak
- orb
- Orb of Dol Azur
- Orb of Dragonkind
- orb of gonging
- Orb of Kevrik the Crusader
- orb of shielding
- orb of the stonemelder
- orb of time
- orc
- Orcbone
- Orcish
- Order Domain
- Orgaal
- Orgalos
- organization type
- Ori boots
- orichalcum
- Orien
- Orien Enclave (Graywall)
- Orien trade roads
- Orien's Graveyard
- origami beholderkin
- origami messenger
- Orlassk
- orrery of the planes
- Ortak Seven-Claw
- orthon
- Orthoss
- Oruul
- Oskilor
- osseous ring
- Osserak Manor
- Ostavar
- Otharaunt
- otherworldly guise
- otyugh
- otyugh cloak
- Ourelonastrix
- Ourenilach
- Outlander
- Overchannel
- overcome
- Overlook
- overlord
- overshield
- Oversight
- ovinnik
- Owl's Perch
- owlbear
- owlin
- Owlin (talent)
- Ozaera
- Pact of the Blade
- Pact of the Chain
- Paelion
- Palace of Sinew
- Palace of the Moon
- paladin
- pale tincture
- Paluur Draal
- Panaceum
- Panopticon
- panther tears
- pants of levitation
- paper bird
- Paqaa Mountains
- parasail cloak
- parasol of drifting
- parchment of facsimile
- pardon
- Pardrengo Swiftstalker
- park
- Parliament Hall
- Parry and Riposte
- parryfoil weapon
- parrying wand
- pass without trace
- Passage
- Passage Institute for the Arcane Arts
- Passage Pistol
- passage salve
- passion's flame
- passwall
- passwall chalk
- Path of Inspiration
- Path of Light
- Path of Shadows
- Path of the Ancestral Guardian
- Path of the Totem Warrior
- Path of the Zealot
- pathadrik
- Patrahk'n
- patron ancestor
- Paulo Omaren
- Pavilion of the Host
- Peace Domain
- pearl of illusions
- pearl of power
- Peasants' Market
- pegasus
- Pegasus Spire
- pen of poor dictation
- pen of the living parchment
- pendant of feline friendship
- pendant of thieves' sight
- pentadrone
- Per
- perfume of bewitching
- periapt of health
- Perimeter Stones
- permanent parchment
- peryton
- Pestle
- petal dancer ward
- petrifying dagger
- petrifying rope
- phaerimm
- phantasm
- phantasmal killer
- phantom limb
- phantom steed
- phase axe
- phase spider
- Phiarlan
- Phiarlan Enclave (Stormreach)
- Phiarlan hydra
- Phiarlan image projector
- philter of blave
- phoenix
- phoenix arrow
- Phoenix Basin
- Phoenix Tavern
- Phthaso Mogan
- pick-eating lock
- piercer
- piercing violin
- pigeon pointer
- Pihdri
- pike of the forgotten legion
- Pink Conch
- Pinnacle
- pipe of remembrance
- pipe of smoke monsters
- pipes of haunting
- pipes of the sewers
- Pirate's Moon
- Piritar
- pit fiend
- Pit of Five Sorrows
- pit toxin
- Pitchwall
- pixie
- pixie dust
- pixie music box
- pixie stompers
- plaguebane mask
- Plaguebearers
- planar ally
- planar binding
- planar observatory
- planar rapier
- planar realm
- plane
- Plane of Truth
- plane shift
- planecaller's codex
- planetar
- plant creature
- plant growth
- plasmid
- plate armor of knight's fellowship
- plate armor of the phantom knight
- Platinate
- Platinum Heights
- platinum scarf
- platinum shield
- plumb of the elements
- plunder crab
- pocket cabinet
- podling
- point-and-hope gauntlets
- poison
- poison bite potion
- Poison Dusk
- poison spray
- poisoner's flask
- poisoner's kit
- pole of angling
- pole of collapsing
- polymorph
- pomade of ten thousand styles
- pommel tassel
- pomow
- Pond of Shadows
- Pool of Onatar's Tears
- pop-up tent
- porcupine armor
- porcupine mace
- Port Cairn
- Port Krez
- Port Verge
- portable bath
- portable hole
- portable ram
- Portent
- possessed earring of thievishness
- possessed gravedigger's spear
- possessed ring of identification
- Postar's Jewelry Art Gallery
- pot of awakening
- pot of simmering
- potion
- potion of aberrant transformation
- potion of aid
- potion of augury
- potion of beast speech
- potion of black tentacles
- potion of chimeric transformation
- potion of chthonic transformation
- potion of clairvoyance
- potion of climbing
- potion of comprehension
- potion of contagious confusion
- potion of detect thoughts
- potion of diminution
- potion of fire breath
- potion of flies
- potion of flying
- potion of gaseous form
- potion of gelatinous transformation
- potion of giant strength
- potion of greater healing
- potion of growth
- potion of healing
- potion of immovability
- potion of invisibility
- potion of invulnerability
- potion of light
- potion of metallic dragon breath
- potion of ooze breathing
- potion of resistance
- potion of second wind
- potion of speed
- potion of spell recovery
- potion of superior healing
- potion of the third eye
- potion of unbroken gaze
- potion of vicious mockery immunity
- potion of vitality
- potion of vocal glamer
- potion of watchful rest
- potion of water breathing
- potion of web
- potter's tools
- pouch of sounds
- Power of Purity
- power word: kill
- power word: pain
- power word: stun
- Pra'xirek
- prakhutu
- prayer of divination
- prayer of healing
- Precarious
- Precepit, the Formless
- Preservation
- preserving pine
- pressure capsule
- prestidigitation
- priest's pack
- primal magic
- primal savagery
- Prime Gate
- Primordial
- Primordial Matter
- primordial ward
- Prince of Frost
- prismatic blade
- prismatic javelin
- prismatic lipstick
- pristine boots
- private sanctum
- Proctor
- produce flame
- profane mask
- Progenitor Dragons
- programmed illusion
- progress clock
- project image
- projectile
- Promisetide
- prospector's wand
- protean switch
- protection
- protection from energy
- protection from immortals
- protection from poison
- protective verses
- Prothan ir'Vemel
- prototype bonecraft greaves
- province
- pseudodragon
- psi warrior
- Psi Warrior (talent)
- psion
- psionic scry shielding
- psionic tattoo
- psionics
- psychic ambush
- psychic blades
- psychic chirurgery
- psychic lance
- psychic scream
- psychic wind
- Public Markets of Io'lokar
- Pukhalnum
- punch weapon
- Pure Flame
- Pure Light
- purging dagger
- purify food and drink
- Purity of Spirit
- purple worm
- push yourself
- Pylas Maradal
- Pylas Pyrial
- Pylas Talaear
- Pylas Var-Tolai
- Pylas Zirinth
- Pyqat
- Pyraelas
- Pyramid of the Ebon Flame
- Pyrine
- Pyrinean Creed
- pyroconverger
- pyrotechnics
- Q'anhyrde
- Q'barra
- Q'barran Jungle
- Qabalrin
- Qaltiu
- Qataakhast
- Qiku
- Qitha River
- Qonama River
- Qorrashi Island
- qosqura piercer
- quadrone
- quaggoth
- quagmire maul
- quarter
- quartz dragon
- quasit
- Queen of All Tears
- Queen of Stone
- Queen of the Dead
- Queen of Winter
- Quesk
- Questor
- Quick Formation
- Quickfoot Gang
- quickling
- quicksilver clay
- quickstone
- Quiet Folk
- quill blade
- Quill Carayne
- quintessence
- quipper
- quiver of holding
- Quivering Palm
- Quor
- quorbound beast
- quorbred creature
- quorcraft
- quori
- Quori Bond
- Ra'har
- Raadu Xeel
- Raan
- Race of Eight Winds
- Radiant Flame
- radiant idol
- Radiant Power
- Radiant Void
- radiant wave
- Raegan Oak
- Raela Solaen
- Rail Station
- Rain d'Orien
- rain-away hoops
- Raincallers Guild
- raise dead
- Rak Tulkhesh
- Rake
- rakshasa
- Ralastar
- rallying armor
- Ralscar Shal
- Ralsor d'Lyrandar
- Ralzina Voraal
- Ram'kanek
- Ramethene Sword
- Rampartide
- Ran Iishiv
- random artifact properties
- random magical effect
- random name generator
- ranger
- Ranger (talent)
- Raqazda
- rarity
- Rasial Tann
- Rat's Nest
- Rattlestone
- Raulo ir'Trannick
- Rav Dolorr
- Rav Magar
- Ravar Orioth
- Raven
- Raven Corps
- raven's slumber
- Ravers
- ray of enfeeblement
- ray of frost
- ray of sickness
- Razor Tongue
- Razor Wind
- Readme
- Real-life inspirations for Kessler
- reality revision
- reality storm
- Realm Below
- reap and sew
- reath leaves
- rebuke the violent
- recovery
- Red Claw's regalia
- red dragon
- Red Eyes
- Red Hammer
- Red Hooves
- Red Jackals
- Red Knight
- Red Owl
- Red Ring
- Redblade's
- redcap
- Redcaps
- Redcliff Bay
- Redcloak Battalion
- Redleaf
- Redleaf Harriers
- Redleaf hound
- Redrun
- Redstone
- Redwatch
- Redwater River
- Redwaters
- reekmurk
- References
- Refuge
- Regalport
- Regalport Enclave
- regeneration
- region
- reincarnate
- Reka the Razor
- Rekkenmark
- Rekkenmark Academy
- Rekkenwood
- relentless bulwark
- religion
- Rellekor
- remorhaz
- remove curse
- rendesa
- Reng Nagel
- Renn ir'Tanar
- Renosar-Kali
- repair damaged construct
- reparation apparatus
- residence
- resilient document
- resilient sphere
- Reslyn House
- Respite
- resplendent halo
- restaurant
- Restful Watch
- Resthold
- restoration
- resurrection
- Retainers
- retaliating bloom shield
- retuning fork
- revelation
- Revelation Day
- Revelation in Flesh
- reveler's concertina
- Reven
- revenant
- reverse gravity
- Reverse Speech
- revivify
- Rhaan
- Rhashaak
- Rheklor
- Rhenshia
- Rhesh Turakbar
- Rhetorician
- Rhiakelne River
- Rhialuun
- Rhiavhaar
- Rhiavhaar River
- Rhlash Bay
- Rhlia Forest
- Rhukaan Draal
- Rhukaan Taash
- Rhunadask
- Rhuun
- ridiculous
- Riedra
- Riedra Embassy (Sharn)
- Riedran
- Riedran climate control
- Riedran Consulate (Stormreach)
- Riedran Sea
- Riedrans
- Right of Counsel
- Rikard d'Orien
- rilkan
- Rime
- Ring
- ring mail of three wishes
- ring of alarm
- ring of amity
- ring of anchoring
- ring of animal influence
- ring of apparent death
- ring of blinking
- ring of collecting
- ring of crawling
- ring of detachment
- ring of djinni summoning
- ring of dragonshape
- ring of Druthwid's defense
- ring of eldritch ire
- ring of elemental command
- ring of evasion
- ring of feather falling
- ring of forgery
- ring of free action
- ring of gestures
- ring of invisible burden
- ring of light
- ring of mind shielding
- ring of nobility
- ring of obscuring
- ring of perseverance
- ring of regeneration
- ring of resistance
- ring of roses
- ring of shooting stars
- ring of stolen years
- Ring of Storms
- ring of sudden impact
- ring of sustenance
- ring of the fowl sentinel
- ring of the goat
- ring of the hunter
- ring of the martyr
- ring of the ram
- ring of the sandskimmer
- ring of the tiger
- ring of three wishes
- ring of time reversal
- ring of trancesong
- ring of unnecessary introductions
- ring of water walking
- ringblade
- Ringbriar
- rings of shared suffering
- ripplebark
- Risia
- Risian ice
- risk
- Ritual Casting
- river
- River Melandor
- riverine
- Riverweep
- Riverwood
- Roar
- robe of eyes
- robe of serpents
- robe of stars
- robe of useful items
- roc
- rocborne hand ballista
- rocborne robe
- rocborne rod
- rod
- rod of absorption
- rod of alertness
- rod of chains
- rod of domesticated dominion
- rod of mercurial form
- rod of retribution
- rod of security
- rod of wild dominion
- rogue
- rogue dragon
- rogue ooze
- rogue's mantle
- Roo
- Roorprek
- Root
- root stem wand
- rootbound
- rope armor
- rope of climbing
- rope of convenience
- rope of entanglement
- rope of mending
- rope trick
- roper
- Rose
- rose basket
- Rose Queen
- rose-thorn spear
- rosin sword
- Rot
- rotbeast
- rothé
- Rotting Bal
- Rotting Blade
- Royal Brelish
- royal decree
- Royal Eyes
- Royal Vermishard
- Rrregla the Gasper
- rubble race
- Rubble Warren
- ruby weave gem
- ruin
- ruinbound
- Ruinbound (talent)
- ruinous flute
- Ruken ir'Clarn
- rune knight
- Rune Knight (talent)
- rune magic
- Rune Shaper
- runic ammunition
- Ruram d'Medani
- Rurik d'Kundarak
- Rushemé
- Rusila ir'Clarn
- rust hide armor
- rust monster
- rust monster antenna
- rusting grasp
- Rusty Anchor
- Rusty Nail
- rutterkin
- Ruukosi
- Ruukosi River
- Ruukra
- Ryger ir'Wynarn
- Ryla d'Ghallanda
- Sa'arlaath
- Saal Grabaal
- Saala Torrn
- Saartuk
- Saber
- SAC-12
- SAC-15
- sacred flame
- saddle of the cavalier
- Sadran d'Deneith
- Saeria Lantol
- sagal powder
- Sage
- Sagorpur
- Sahemi d'Jorasco
- sahuagin
- Sahuagin
- Sahuagin (talent)
- Saidan Boromar
- Sailor
- Saint Dioscian's teeth
- Sakah Tiefling
- Sakinnirot
- salamander
- Salan
- Salanoux
- salasta
- Saltire
- Samyr Kes
- sanctuary
- sanctum amulet
- sandsprinter
- Sannid's
- Santyriana
- sapphire dragon
- sapping sting
- saprophytic plague
- Sar Saeran
- Sar'ka
- Sar'uul
- Sarath ir'Wynarn
- Sarlona
- Sarlonan province
- Sarmondelaryx
- sarong of drying
- Sasik d'Vadalis
- satyr
- Sava Kharisa
- Savia Potellas
- Savia's
- scabbard of loyalty
- scabbard of the magi
- Scabs' Smithy
- scales
- scamper
- Scar River
- Scaramar
- scarf of strangling
- scatter
- Scepter of Fell Khadash
- schema
- scholar's monocle
- scholar's pack
- scimitar of Olarune
- scimitar of speed
- Scimitar Spires
- Scions Sound
- scissors of shadow snipping
- scorcher
- scorching cleaver
- scorching ray
- Scorn
- scorpion chain
- scorpion wraith
- scorrow
- screaming longbow
- scribe's pen
- Scrimshaw
- scrimshaw comb
- Scriveners of the Sky
- scroll
- scroll of crossing
- scroll of demonic transformation
- scroll of dinosaur handling
- scroll of guise
- scroll of immediate water
- scroll of nightmare terrain
- scroll of paper cuts
- scroll of protection
- scroll of rug conjuration
- scroll of see only invisibility
- scroll of strangely specific guidance
- scroll of the apprentice artificer
- scroll of the forest
- scroll of wild magic
- scryguard splint
- scrying
- sculpting putty
- sea
- sea drake
- sea elf
- Sea Elf (talent)
- sea hag
- Sea of Chaos
- Sea of Fire
- Sea of Lost Souls
- Sea of Rage
- sea serpent
- sea serpent hairpin
- Sea Weed
- Seadragons
- seafarer's jacket
- Seals of Aal'drash
- Sear
- searing smite
- Seaside
- Seawall Mountains
- Sebastes ir'Kesslan
- Second Son
- Second Wind
- secret chest
- secret scribe candles
- secret society
- see invisibility
- seed of rebirth
- seedling stones
- seeker dart
- seizure sickness
- Sejra Whitebinder
- Sel Shadra family
- Sela's Path
- selas leaves
- self-grinding mortar
- self-stringing bow
- sending
- Sendor Reddick
- Sennan Rath
- Senne
- sensory stone
- sentient cloak
- sentient dancing shoes
- Sentinel Marshals
- Sentinel Tower
- sentira
- sentira lens
- sentira shard
- sentira shard: anxiety
- sentira shard: disgust
- sentira shard: fear
- sentira shard: misery
- sentira shard: tranquility
- sepse
- septon
- sequester
- Seren
- Serene Azera
- Serpent Cults
- serpent dart
- serpentine mirror
- Serpentine Table
- Serra Narim
- servant boots
- settlement
- Seven Caves
- Seventh
- Seventh Tower
- sewer plague
- Sewers of Sharn
- Shaarat Kol
- Shaarat'doovol
- Shaazarak
- Shacklebreak
- shadar-kai
- shade
- Shadewing
- shadow
- Shadow
- Shadow (barony)
- Shadow Arts
- shadow blade
- shadow dagger
- shadow demon
- shadow drinker
- shadow eyes
- shadow ink
- Shadow Marches
- Shadow Network
- shadow of Moil
- Shadow Schism
- shadow sibling
- shadow step
- shadow ward
- Shadow's echo
- Shadowcrags
- Shadowflow River
- shadowghast
- Shadowlock Keep
- Shadowmasters
- Shadowmount Forest
- Shadows
- shadowshawl
- shadowsmoke dragon pipe
- Shadowspire
- Shadukar
- Shae Cairdal
- Shae Deseir
- Shae Joridal
- Shae Laen
- Shae Lias
- Shae Loralyndar
- Shae Mordai
- Shae Taral
- Shae Thoridor
- Shae Tirias Tolai
- shaedenstaff
- Shaelas Tiraleth
- Shaen Tasil
- Shaengarne River
- Shaeras Vadallia
- Shalas Orioth
- Shalashar
- Shalquar
- shambling mound
- shambling vine tunic
- Shamukaar
- Shan Pyrial
- Shanjueed Jungle
- Shankhabhumi
- Shanutar
- shape water
- shapechange
- shapechanger
- Shaper
- shapeshifter's circlet
- Sharadhuna
- Sharavacion
- shared burden
- Shargon's Bargain
- Shargon's Talon
- Shargon's Teeth
- sharkrazor mantle
- Sharn
- Sharn Council
- Sharn Inquisitive
- Sharn Inquisitive for Aryth 22nd, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Aryth 8th, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Barrakas 15th, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Dravago 15th, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Eyre 15th, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Lharvion 1st, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Lharvion 22nd, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Nymm 15th, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Nymm 8th, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Olarune 15th, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Olarune 1st, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Rhaan 15th, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Sypheros 15th, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Sypheros 22nd, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Therendor 1st, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Therendor 22nd, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Therendor 8th, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Vult 15th, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Zarantyr 15th, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Zarantyr 1st, 998
- Sharn Inquisitive for Zarantyr 8th, 998
- Sharn Opera House
- Sharn Watch
- Sharn's Welcome
- Sharokarthel
- Shashraqa
- Shasi Stormlyn
- Shassa Tarr
- shatter
- shatter axe
- shatterknife
- Shava House
- Shavaala
- Shavalant
- Shavalsine River
- Shavarath
- Shedani
- sheer cold
- Sheltering Hearth
- Sheltering Storm
- Shemeshka
- shemhazian
- Shendroa
- sherry shillelagh
- sheshmiraj
- shield
- shield cuff
- shield guardian
- shield of faith
- shield of retreat
- shield of the blazing dreadnought
- shifter
- Shifter (talent)
- Shifting Hall
- Shifting Islands
- shifting stone
- shifting zone
- shiftweave
- shillelagh
- Shimmerwood Forest
- Shining Olazaryx
- Shining Valley
- Ship of Bones
- Ship of Eldaraen
- Ship's Cat
- Ship's Towers
- Shira
- Shirin d'Deneith
- Shivairn
- shivering sickness
- shocking grasp
- shoes of invisible step
- Shol eye
- shoosuva
- shop
- Shoralath
- short-term madness
- shortchange
- shovel of burrowing
- Shrewd Inquisitive
- shrieker
- shrine
- Shrine of Fathen the Martyr
- Shrine of il-Yannah
- Shrine of the Keeper
- Shrine of the Shadow
- Shroud
- shroud resonator
- Shrouds
- Shudra
- shugenja
- shulatlaca
- shuln
- Shurya Velderan
- Shyralla d'Lyrandar
- Siberyan Theory
- Siberys
- Siberys compass
- Sibling Kings
- sickening radiance
- sidhe blowgun
- siege crossbow
- siege staff
- sight rot
- Sigilstar
- sign language
- Sign of Ill Omen
- signal whistle
- signet rings of blindness, deafness, and muteness
- signet rings of the Moon Court
- Sigor d'Deneith
- Silaena Cazal
- Silaes Tairn
- silence
- Silenced Stage
- silent image
- Silent Keep
- Silent Knight
- silent spikes
- Silver Bough
- Silver Crusade
- silver dragon
- Silver Flame
- Silver Flame Heresy and Corruption
- Silver Forge
- Silver Lake
- silver lycan chime
- Silver River
- Silver Wood
- Silverblade Keep
- silverbow
- silverburn
- Silverclaw Peak
- Silvercliff Castle
- silvered oar
- silvered weapon
- Silvergate
- silverhaste
- Silvermist Theater
- Silverstreak Skycoach Rental Company
- Silvertide
- Silvertongue
- Silverwall
- simulacrum
- sinda berry
- singing stein
- sinister glove
- siren
- sirensong silencer
- sisiutl
- Sisters of Lament
- Sivis
- Sivis Enclave (Clifftop)
- Sivis Enclave (Dragon Towers)
- Sivis sign language
- Six
- Six Kings
- six stones
- Sixty
- Siyal Marrain
- Siyar
- Skabatha Nightshade
- Skai Shaarat
- Skairn
- Skakan
- skarn
- Skerritburg
- sketchbook of storage
- skin cant
- Skin Factory
- Skin Shucker
- Skinners
- skinweaver
- skirmisher
- skitterwidget
- skulk
- Skullborn
- Skullreave
- Sky Battle of Daskaran
- sky forge
- sky medallion
- skyblade
- skycoach
- Skyfall Peninsula
- Skyraker Claws
- Skyraker Forest
- Skysedge Park
- Skysedge Park (park)
- skystaff
- Skyway
- skywrite
- slaad
- Slade
- slaughterstone
- sleep
- sleep-tight bathing salts
- Sleeping Sword
- Sleet
- sleet storm
- sleeve snake
- slick armor
- slimeblade
- slimy doom
- slippers of spider climbing
- slithering hook
- slithering steel of Uchuge
- Slogar's
- Sloths
- slow
- Slug Keep
- slurk
- Smargat
- Smith
- Smith of Souls
- smith's tools
- smokestick
- Smoky Towers
- smuggler's chair
- snake belt
- Sneak Attack
- Snicker-Snack
- Snopli
- Snow
- snow sapphire
- snufsithe
- soarsled
- soarwing
- soarwood
- society
- Solace
- Solangap
- solar
- Soldorak
- Soldorakhold
- Solei Moonspear
- Solgar Dariznu
- Solia d'Lyrandar
- Solirion Torralyn d'Sivis
- Son of Khyber
- Song of Rest
- Song of Skin
- songsilver
- sooka
- sooth-song amulet
- Soothing Voice
- Sora Ghazra
- Sora Katra
- Sora Kell
- Sora Kell's mortar and pestle
- Sora Maenya
- Sora Teraza
- Sorallandan
- Soranath
- Soranathhold
- sorcerer
- Sorik Senso
- Sorrowdusk Island
- sorrowsworn
- soul cage
- Soul of Deceit
- soulknife
- Soulknife (talent)
- Soulknife Teleportation
- soundproof studs
- South Circle
- Southshore
- Southwatch
- Sovereign archetype
- sovereign glue
- Sovereign Host
- Sovereign Saints and Relics
- Sovereign Swords
- Sovereign Towers
- Sovereign Ward
- sow
- spare the dying
- spark
- sparrow arrows
- spawn of Tiamat
- speak with animals
- speak with dead
- speak with plants
- Speakers Guild
- speaking stone
- spear
- spear of purity
- spear of the desert winds
- spear of the western whale
- Speartip
- Special Stress: Bad Outcomes
- Special Stress: Push Yourself
- Special Stress: Spellcasting
- spectacles of recollection
- spectator
- specter
- Speed of Thought
- speedy courier
- spell
- Spell Enhancement
- Spell Enhancement (Common)
- Spell Enhancement (Epic)
- Spell Enhancement (Rare)
- Spell Enhancement (Uncommon)
- Spell Mastery
- spell school
- spell scroll
- spell scroll, tier 1
- spell scroll, tier 2
- spell scroll, tier 3
- spell scroll, tier 4
- spell scroll, tier 5
- spell sink
- Spell Sniper
- Spell Thief
- spell tier
- Spell-Storing Item
- spellbolt
- spellbolt, tier 1
- spellbolt, tier 2
- spellbook
- spellburrow
- Spellcaster
- Spellcaster 2
- Spellcaster 3
- spellguard shield
- spellshard
- spellwoven robes
- sphere of annihilation
- sphinx
- Spider
- spider climb
- spiderbite daggers
- spike growth
- spindlespitter
- spined devil
- spire seed
- spiretop drake
- spirit
- spirit guardians
- spirit idol
- spirit of the land
- spirit pike
- spirit rider
- spirit shroud
- Spirits of the Past
- spiritual weapon
- splintershot
- sport
- Sprawl
- Spring Harbor
- sprite
- Spur
- spyglass
- squasher
- staff
- staff of adornment
- staff of birdcalls
- staff of charming
- staff of defense
- staff of favorable winds
- staff of fire
- staff of flowers
- staff of four seasons
- staff of frost
- staff of healing
- staff of paranoia
- staff of power
- staff of swarming insects
- staff of the adder
- staff of the magma falls
- staff of the magpie
- staff of the mirage
- staff of the mustang
- staff of the python
- staff of the reverent warrior
- staff of the rooted hills
- staff of the sorcery stealer
- staff of withering
- staggering smite
- Stagnation
- stalaga spear
- stalking wyrm
- Stampede
- stanching armor
- star map
- starbreaker
- Starfire Dragon
- Stargazer Theater
- Starhaunt
- Starilaskur
- Starkcrag Rock
- Starkwood
- Starmantle Bay
- starmetal axe
- starmetal ring
- starmetal shield
- starmetal striker
- Starpeaks
- Starrin d'Cannith
- starry form
- stasis box
- Station Free Market
- Staunch
- Stavros d'Medani
- stealth
- steam globe
- steeder
- Steel Gardens
- steel kraken
- Steel Maw
- Steelbenders
- Steeljack
- stellar spectacles
- Steppin' Jaq
- steps of the trickster
- Sterngate
- stick
- sticky gloves
- Stillness of Flesh
- Stillwater
- Stillwater Station
- stinger whip
- stinking cloud
- stirge
- Stirge
- Stocking and Gown
- Stone Cage Mountains
- stone giant
- Stone Heads of Stormreach
- stone ocarina
- stone of aerial alarm
- stone of commanding earth elementals
- Stone Pits
- stone shape
- Stone Soldiers
- stone swim armor
- stone to flesh
- Stonebreaker's breastplate
- Stonefeather Spire
- Stonejaw Keep
- stoneshaper
- stonesinger
- stoneskin
- Stonespeech
- Stonespire
- Stonespur
- Stoneyard
- storage
- Stores
- storm boomerang
- storm bottle
- storm giant
- Storm Guardians
- Storm Hammers
- Storm Lords
- storm sickle
- Storm Sorcerer
- storm sphere
- storm spire
- storm thrower harpoon
- storm's embrace
- stormcaller
- Stormclaw
- Stormhaven
- Stormhold
- Stormhome
- Stormhorn Clanhold
- Stormreach
- Stormreach Bazaar
- Stormreach Forge
- Stormreach Guard
- Stormreach steam tunnels
- stormrider boots
- Stormsingers
- stormstruck staff
- Stormwalkers
- Stormwind Keep
- Stormwreck Bay
- story point
- Storybook Logic
- Storyloom
- Storyloom dice probabilities
- storyteller's mask
- storyteller's potion
- stout
- Straits of Orthoss
- Straits of Port Verge
- Straits of Shargon
- Strange Reality
- Street of a Hundred Temples
- Street of Shadows
- stress
- strigoi
- stubborn twine
- studded leather armor of useful items
- Sturdy Wall
- Sturmik
- su-monster
- Su'har
- subrace
- subspace
- suggestion
- suggestion potion
- Sul Khatesh
- Sul'Aashta Steelbane
- Sul'asa
- Sulakhal
- Sulat League
- Sulatu
- Sulerred Monastery
- Sulwar d'Cannith
- Sumberton
- Summer Korranor
- summer's dance
- Summerfield
- Summit Road
- summon beasts
- summon draconic spirit
- summon familiar
- summon greater demon
- summon lesser demons
- summon steed
- summoning
- Sun
- sun blade
- Sun Pillars
- Sun's Blessing
- sunbeam
- sunburst
- sunburst sickle
- Sundering
- Sundering Peaks
- sundering sphere
- sundersludge net
- sunfly
- Sungleam Palace
- Sunless Feoral
- sunlight armor
- Sunrise
- sunrod
- Sunscale Clanhold
- Sunset Ward
- Sunward
- Sunyagir
- Sura
- Surasek
- surgeon's kit
- Surrinek Riverboats
- surveyor's rod
- survivor's satchel
- Suspended in the Void
- Sustrai Mor
- Suthar Draal
- swamp
- Swan
- Swift Death
- swift perusal
- swift quiver
- swiftblade
- swiftclaw
- swiftstride
- sword
- sword burst
- Sword Keep
- sword of chicken detection
- sword of life stealing
- sword of resonance
- sword of retribution
- sword of the planes
- sword of the spelldrinker
- sword of wounding
- Sword Point
- Sword Point Garrison
- sword spider
- sword wraith
- Swords of Karrn
- Swords of Liberty
- swordtooth titan
- Swoz
- Syla Syrralan d'Sivis
- Sylbaran
- Sylbaran Station
- Sylian Varonaen
- Sylvan
- Sylvan (theater)
- symbiont
- symbol
- Sympathetic Theory
- synaptic static
- Sypheros
- Syra ir'Tarrn
- Syrania
- Syranian domain
- Syrk
- Syrkarn
- Syrks
- Szalas Jal
- Szanthus
- Ta'har
- Taala
- Taan
- Taarn Draal
- tabard of subtle armor
- tabaxi
- Tabaxi (talent)
- Taelira
- Taelyn Lyrandar
- Taer Elladorn
- Taer Kalindal
- Taer Lian Doresh
- Taer Sadaen
- Taer Senadal
- Taer Shantara
- Taer Syraen
- Taer Valaestas
- Taer Valior
- Taer Zanathar
- Taeri
- tailor's tools
- Tain Gala
- Tairnadal
- Taking Action
- Tal Esk
- Tala Landon
- Talaen Kara
- Talaen Tolaoi
- Talain Garrison
- Talalara
- Taldor d'Medani
- talent
- Talenta Embassy (Sharn)
- Talenta Plains
- Talentan
- Talia Torralyn d'Sivis
- talisman of the sphere
- talking doll
- talking lock
- talking wand
- talkpick
- Talleon Haliar Tonan
- Talon Bay
- Talons of Tiamat
- Talyard the Great's wand of power
- Tamara
- Tamor Gulch
- Tanar
- Tanar Rath
- tangat
- tangle bug
- tanglefoot bag
- tankard of plenty
- tankard of sobriety
- tankard of truth
- Tanni River
- Tannishold
- Tantamar
- Tantashar
- tantulhor
- Tapestry
- tar devil
- Tarandro
- Taratai
- targath
- Targos
- Taris Irvalo
- Tariston
- Tarkanan
- tarrasque
- Tars Faldren
- Taruuzh
- Tarya d'Cannith
- Tashalatora
- Tashana lichen paste
- Tashana Tundra
- Tasho Mol Doras
- Tashyvar Islands
- Tasia
- Taskaan Legion
- Tasker Torralyn d'Sivis
- Tasker's Dream
- Tasra d'Deneith
- taster demon
- Tattered Alice
- tavern
- Tavick's Landing
- Tavick's Market
- Tazlag
- tectonic gauntlets
- Teeth of the Three
- Telathal
- telekinesis
- telekinetic catapult
- Telekinetic Master
- Telepath
- telepathic bond
- teleport
- teleport stones
- teleportation circle
- teleportation circle (spell)
- telescoping bladelance
- telescoping monocle
- Tellan Narathun
- Teller
- Tellyn
- Teln
- tempest griffon feather cape
- Tempest Isle
- Tempest Strait
- Tempest's Spine
- templar
- temple
- Temple District
- Temple of Takhisis
- Temple of the Ages
- Temple of the Six
- Temple of the Sovereign Host
- Temple of Vol
- Temple Row
- Ten Tier Inn
- Ten Torches
- tent shield
- tentacle ring
- tentacle rod
- tentacle spider
- Tents of Rushemé
- Teraza's Eye
- Termalaine
- Terminus
- Terminus Station
- Terrace
- terrible cyst
- territory
- Teryk
- Tese Hills
- Test of Siberys
- Tesyn ir'Lantar
- tethercord
- tethercut
- tethervine quiver
- Tethyn Olar
- Thaendyr's Rest
- Thaera
- Thal Eledar
- Thal Othoril
- Thal Taluna
- Thalann Gol
- Thalann Val
- Thalann Zar
- Thalanna
- Thalin ir'Wynarn
- Thalingard
- Thaliost
- Tharashk
- Tharashk Enclave (Clifftop)
- Tharashk Enclave (Dragon Towers)
- Tharashk Enclave (Graywall)
- Tharashk triumvirate
- Tharkgun Dhak
- Thatari
- thaumaturgy
- The Land Provides
- theater
- Thelanis
- Thelestes
- Therendor
- therianthrope
- Thieves of Life
- thieves' blade
- thieves' cant
- thieves' tools
- thieves' tools of glibness
- thimble needle
- Thinrukidis
- Thir
- Third Eye
- Third Tower
- thoqqua
- Thora Tavin
- Thorn Dancer
- thorn rope
- thorn whip
- Thornpiercer
- Thornweed Fields
- Thornwood
- Thothar Ostren
- Thought Shield
- thoughtsong
- Thousand
- Thousand Eyes
- Thousand Yard Stare
- Thovanic Hall
- Thraalgrum
- Thrakelorn
- thrallherd
- Thrane
- Thrane Embassy (Sharn)
- Thrane River
- Thrane Wynarn
- Three Barrel Cove
- Three Faces
- Three Faces of Coin
- Three Faces of Knowledge
- Three Faces of Love
- Three Faces of the Wild
- Three Faces of War
- Three Sisters
- Three Towers
- Three-Dragon Ante
- Three-Fingered Thad
- threehorn
- Threshold
- thri-kreen
- Thrifty Traveler
- throne
- Throne Gate Ruins
- Thronehold
- Thronehold Day
- Throneport
- throwing scarab
- Thrug
- Thuel Racannoch
- Thunder Sea
- thunder staff
- thunder step
- Thunder Wyrm
- thunderclap
- thunderclap cuffs
- thundercrack whip
- thunderherder
- thunderous flail
- thunderous smite
- thunderstone
- thunderwave
- Thuranne d'Velderan
- Thuranne d'Velderan's Investigative Services
- Thuranni
- Thuranni cloak
- Thurik Davandi
- Thurim Bay
- Thurimbar
- Thurimbar rod
- thwackstaff
- Tiamat
- Tick
- tidal wave
- Tiddlers with duplicate tooltips
- tidecaller trident
- tiefling
- Tiefling of Daanvi
- Tiefling of Dolurrh
- Tiefling of Fernia
- Tiefling of Mabar
- Tiefling of Risia
- Tiefling of Shavarath
- Tig Boromar
- Tiiki River
- tilxin
- tilxin blood
- Time Is An Illusion
- time stop
- time zones of Eberron
- Timeless
- timeless fountain
- timeline shortening equation
- timepiercer
- tin ear
- tindertwig
- tindul steamfish
- tinker's hat
- tinker's tools
- Tinkerer
- Tinkers Guild
- tiny hut
- tiny servant
- Tippurika
- Tira Miron
- Tirah the Shark
- Tirasday
- Tirashana
- titan
- Titan's Folly
- Titan's Teeth
- Titans
- Titanswalk
- title deed
- tlalusk
- Tlalusk Island
- tlexolotl
- toadstone
- Tohled'arux
- Toka Threefangs
- Tol Deth
- Tol Kharash
- Tolaen
- Tolashcara
- Toldorath
- Toldorathhold
- toll the dead
- Tolri
- tome
- tome of cat summoning
- tome of dreams
- Tongue of the Sun and Moon
- tongue ring of archaic taste
- tongue ring of fire breath
- tongues
- tongueworm
- tool
- toolset
- Tooth and Nail
- Tooth and Steel
- topaz dragon
- Torarg Blackhorn
- Toras Cant
- Torch Keep
- Torchfire
- Tordannon
- Tordannonhold
- Torlaac Bay
- Torlaac Moor
- Torlaac River
- Torlan Mroranon
- torpedo arrow
- torpor
- torrent taiaha
- Torrn
- Torruk
- Torshaa
- Toru Durburz
- Torva River
- Torval Enkiliost
- Torven the Ageless
- Totem Beach
- Totem Guardians
- Totemic Attunement: Bear
- Totemic Attunement: Eagle
- Tough
- tournament of might
- tourniquet tunic
- Toven d'Cannith
- Tower of Eyes
- Tower of Inquisition
- Tower of Kol Korran
- Tower of Law
- Tower of Shadows
- Tower of the Eyes
- Tower Valiant
- Tower Vigilant
- Towering Wood
- Towers of Aundair
- town
- trace teleport
- trade guild
- Tradefair
- Tradefair Market
- Traelyn
- Trag
- Traglorn Isle
- Trailblazers
- traitor's rope
- Tranquility
- Transcendent Flesh
- translocation orb
- transmutation
- Transmutation
- transmute rock
- transmute to glass
- Transmuter's Stone
- transport via plants
- Transportation Guild
- Trascalando
- Traveler
- Traveler's Curse
- Traveler's enigma
- Traveler's Footprint
- traveling papers
- Traven ir'Thavar
- treant
- treasure compass
- Treaty of Thronehold
- Trebaz Sinara
- tree stride
- Tree Viper
- Trelib d'Medani
- tremorsense
- tressym
- Tribal Warrens
- tribe
- tribex
- trick cards
- trick pockets
- Trickery Domain
- trident of fish command
- trident of tentacles
- trident of the dryad
- tridrone
- trinket
- Triple Ruby
- Triton
- Triumvirate
- troglodyte
- Trolan River
- Trolanport
- troll
- troll ichor
- Tronish
- Tropic of Lharvion
- Tropic of Zarantyr
- trousers of height
- trousers of speed
- true polymorph
- true resurrection
- true seeing
- True Shapers
- true strike
- trueform spectacles
- truesight
- Trumpet Mountains
- Trust
- truth serum
- truthseeker's parchment
- truthteller
- tsoreva
- tsucora
- tsunami
- Tu'narath
- tub of churning and fermentation
- Tul Oreshka
- Tulaar
- Tulea Wylkes
- Tumbledown
- Turakbar's Fist
- Tureya
- turn the unholy
- turn undead
- Turnaway
- Turnaway Sound
- Tusk and Talon Lodge
- Tuura Dhakaan
- Twelve
- Twelve Pillars
- Twilight Brigade
- twilight coin
- Twilight Demesne
- Twilight Forest
- Twilight Palace
- twin fangs of Olfen
- twitch oil
- Tyasha d'Phiarlan
- Tym Bessel
- Tyman Three-Cloaks
- Tyrala
- Tyrala (solar)
- Tyranny
- Tyrants
- Tyris d'Vadalis
- Tyrl Gol Garin
- Tyrosian-Baed
- Tzaryan Keep
- Tzaryan Rrac
- Ughothka
- Ukargo
- Ulaash
- Ulara d'Jorasco
- Ulatorn
- uldra
- Ulfen Marcrot
- ulgurstasta
- ulitharid
- ultroloth
- umber hulk
- Umbragen
- umbral chopper
- Unarmored Movement
- unbreakable arrow
- unbreakable bottle
- unbreakable teapot
- unbreakable weapon
- Unburdened
- Unchained
- undead
- undead eyes
- Undercity
- Underhanded
- Underharbor
- Underlook
- Underquay
- underwood bow
- Undying Court
- unfolding armor
- unicorn
- unicorn boots
- unicorn glue
- Unicorn Point
- Unicorn's Horn
- Union of the Shield
- Union of the Spear
- Unity
- unity wine
- universal property
- universal solvent
- Universal Understanding
- university
- University
- University District
- University of Wynarn
- Unpredictable Magic
- Unquenchable Fury
- Unseen Citadel
- unseen servant
- unseen thief
- unseen wound blade
- unspeakable horror
- Unspoken Word
- Untold History
- Upper Central
- Upper Dura
- Upper Menthis
- Upper Northedge
- Upper Tavick's Landing
- upper ward
- Ur'taash
- Uraash
- Urchin
- Ureilya d'Thuranni
- Urlev Torrn
- Urthhold
- Uruvai family
- Uskal Orien
- ustah
- usvapna
- Uul Dhakaan
- Uul'gaanu
- Uushak
- Uutkleza
- Va'khor
- Vaalda
- vaath
- Vadalis
- Vadalis band
- Vadallia
- Vaedin Uruvai d'Thuranni
- Vaela
- vagabond's staff
- Val Gultesh
- Valaara
- Valaes Tairn
- Valdain Museum of Natural History
- Vale of the Fallen Rajah
- Vale of the Inner Sun
- Valen Vanatar
- Valen's Isle
- Valenar
- Valenar beast
- Valiron
- Valley of Shadows
- Valley of the Three
- Vallia Towers
- Valraea
- Valraean Protectorate
- Valshar'ak
- Valshar'ak Seal
- vampire
- vampiric touch
- vancian helm
- Vanguard Keep
- Vanson ir'Lain
- Var-Shalas
- Varen Lassite
- vargouille
- varit
- Varna
- varr
- Varuz Bay
- Vast
- Vathirond
- Vault
- Vault of Memories
- Vaults
- Vaults of the Dead
- Vedim ir'Omik
- Vedykar
- vehicle
- Veil of Flesh
- Veil torc
- Veils
- Vel Dajar
- Vel Jaelarthal
- Vel Kathur
- Vel Kos
- Vel Maelia
- Vel Shazol
- Vel Silaes
- Velderan
- Veldokaa
- Veln Melaesol
- Velvet's
- Ven ir'Kesslan
- venombane armor
- Venomous Demesne
- venomous rapier
- Venomous Voice
- ventilating lungs
- Veoddyn
- Vermishard of Blood
- Vermishard of Gold
- Vermishard of Law
- Vermishard of Lore
- Vermishard of Steel
- Vermishard of War
- Vermishards
- Verthicha'vivex
- Vestrii's Arms
- veteran's cane
- vial of confidential ink
- vicious mockery
- Vigilant Eye
- vigilus crossbow
- Viktor Saint-Demain
- Vile Marsh
- Vilina the Unseen
- vine armor
- violet fungus
- Virashana
- virtue
- Visions of Distant Realms
- vitreous drinker
- vitriolic sphere
- Voice of Aundair (example)
- Voice of Aureon
- Voice of Breland (example)
- Voice of Karrnath (example)
- voice of the dragon
- Voice of Thrane (example)
- voices on the wind
- void arrow
- Void of Taratai
- Vol
- vola'khesh
- Volaar Draal
- volcanic boots
- volcanic fields
- volcanic shield
- volcanic ventilator
- Volen Lassite
- voltedge
- Vom
- Von Harrla's Regiment
- Von Ruthvek's Splendors of the South
- Vorel'arux
- Vorenn's Walk
- Vorgath's
- Vorlintar
- Vortex
- vortex warp
- Vostethatra
- vox helm
- Vrakor Cinderheart
- Vralkek
- Vraria
- Vrinn
- vrock
- Vron
- Vulkoor
- Vulkoor's headdress
- Vulkoori
- Vulpana Falls
- Vult
- Vulyar
- Vundry
- Vundry's Curios
- Vurgenslye
- Vurs
- Vvaraak
- Vvaraak's Lair
- Vyrael Sisters
- Vyssilthar
- wall of fire
- wall of force
- wall of ice
- wall of light
- wall of sand
- wall of stone
- wall of thorns
- wall of water
- walloping ammunition
- wand
- wand of binding
- wand of colors
- wand of confusion
- wand of cure duck
- wand of fireballs
- wand of lightning bolts
- wand of magic detection
- wand of magic missiles
- wand of polymorph
- wand of primordial fire
- wand of pyrotechnics
- wand of scowls
- wand of smiles
- wand of swaying
- wand of the centipede
- wand of the war mage
- wand of wander
- wand of web
- wand of whispers
- wand of winter
- wand of wonder
- wand sheath
- wandering eye
- Wandering Inn
- wandslinger
- war
- War Domain
- war horn of valor
- War Magic
- War of the Mark
- war priest's shield
- war staff
- warband
- ward
- Warden Keep
- Warden of the Wood (talent)
- Warden Tower
- Warden Towers
- Wardens of the Wood
- Warders
- warding bond
- warding brooch
- Warding Guild
- warding wind
- Wards of Sharn
- wardwing
- warforged
- Warforged (talent)
- warforged colossus
- Warforged Integrated Protection
- warforged item
- warforged scorpion
- warforged scout
- Warforged Scout (talent)
- warforged titan
- warlock
- warlord
- Warning Guild
- warp sense
- warrant
- Warring Cities
- Wasting Plain
- watchful helm
- Watching Wood
- water breathing
- water elemental
- Water Soldiers
- water walk
- water weird
- waterhouse
- waterproof greaves
- Waterworks
- watery sphere
- wavebender's leiomano
- Wavecrest Tavern
- wax seal of protection
- Way of the Brothers
- wayfarer's boots
- Wayfinder Foundation
- Wayfinder Foundation (Sharn office)
- Wayfinder Foundation Headquarters
- Wayfinder Tundra
- Wayward Lobster
- weapon
- Weapon Bond
- weapon enhancement
- Weapon Expertise
- weapon of agonizing paralysis
- weapon of mooring
- weapon of showmanship
- weapon of spite
- Weave
- web
- webgrip rucksack
- Webs
- weird
- weird tank
- Welcoming Boughs
- Weld
- welkinvogel feathers
- Well of Memories
- wendigo
- werebear
- wereboar
- wererat
- weretiger
- werewolf
- Wernor Lyrriman d'Sivis
- Westward Holt
- Westwind Riders
- What About Boost Attempts That "Deal Damage"?
- wheel of wind and water
- whip
- whirlwind
- whirlwind bolas
- Whisper
- whisper powder
- Whisper Woods
- Whisperers
- Whispering Arch
- Whispering Flame
- whispering wind
- Whispers of the Grave
- whistler
- white dragon
- White Hand Guild
- White Lions
- White Raven
- White Sea
- White Wanderers
- Whitecliff
- Whitehearth
- Whitehorn Wood
- Whitepine Forest
- Whiteroof Ward
- Whitetooth
- Whitewash
- Whitewater
- Whyhyr
- widow whale
- wight
- wild cunning
- Wild Heart
- Wild Magic
- wild shape
- Wild Shape (talent)
- wild shape armor
- wild zone
- wilder
- Wilder (talent)
- wildhunt
- Wildnight
- will-o'-wisp
- wind fan
- wind stones
- wind walk
- wind wall
- Wind Whisperers
- wind-up beacon
- wind's favor
- Winding Root
- Windlost
- Window on Yesterday
- Windrazor
- Windshire
- Windshire rainbow wine
- windswept wyvernplate
- Windwrights Guild
- winged ammunition
- winged boots
- winged net
- Wings of Stone
- Winter Bay
- Winter's Edge
- winter's embrace
- Winterstead
- Wintertouched
- wish
- wisplight lantern
- witch bolt
- Witch Queen's Cauldron
- wizard
- Wolf's Paw
- wolfchild
- Wolfwood
- Wood Ward
- wood woad
- Woodhelm
- word of radiance
- word of recall
- Words Have Power
- worg
- Workshop of Tyrial Dashar
- Wormwood
- Wounded Dragon
- wraith
- wraps of unarmed prowess
- wrath
- wrath of nature
- wrathful smite
- writ of enforcement
- Wroann ir'Wynarn
- Wroann's Gate
- Wroat
- Wrogar ir'Wynarn
- Wrogar Keep
- wukka nut
- Wylkes family
- Wynarn family
- Wynarn Institute of Art
- Wynarn River
- Wyr
- Wyredd's Spirits
- wyrm of war
- wyrmreaver gauntlets
- wyrmsbreath shield
- Wyrmsfang Jungle
- Wyrmsperch Mountains
- Wyrmwatch
- wyvern
- wyvern poison
- Wyvernskull
- Xandrar
- Xarkon the Stormheart
- Xaryai River
- Xen'drik
- Xeno'tor the Dawnchild
- xeph
- Xephanan
- Xeria ir'Borutau
- Xofre Bay
- Xofre River
- Xorchylic
- Xoriat
- xorn
- Xushila
- Yad-Raghesh
- Yannick Drumdoom
- Yarik Ghedin d'Kundarak
- Yarkuun Draal
- Yassiv ir'Oeskai
- yellow musk creeper
- Yellow Pass
- Yerod Toothdiver
- yeth hound
- yeti
- Yevgen Torrn
- Ygritt's detonating sphere
- yikaria
- Yipyak
- Yllosavax
- Ymtarai
- Yoren d'Ghallanda
- Yorin Thauram
- Yorrick Amanatu
- Yrlag
- Yrnuxi
- yrthak
- Ystravnil
- Ythana Morr
- yuan-ti
- yuan-ti abomination
- yuan-ti malison
- yuan-ti pureblood
- Yuan-Ti Pureblood (talent)
- yugoloth
- Yulgrin
- Yuzdeep Xeel
- Zae
- zaelantar
- zaelshin
- zaelta
- zaeltairn
- Zaenya's Well
- Zaeran
- Zaeurl
- zafu of the wandering mind
- Zaira Dane
- zakya
- Zantashk
- Zarantyr
- Zarash Bay
- Zarash'ak
- Zaris Lornath
- Zarrthec
- Zartarxis
- Zarzalia Shol d'Phiarlan
- Zathara
- Zaxon d'Kundarak
- Zaz
- Zazess mandolin
- Zeed
- Zelina d'Medani
- Zenobaal
- zephyr armor
- zephyr horseshoes
- Zephyr Keep
- zephyr step
- Zerasha
- Zertherun IV
- Zetsash
- zezir
- Zhrenir'rynai
- Zi'til'natek
- Ziggurat of the Twelve
- Zilan's Breath
- Zilargo
- Zilargo Darts
- Zilargo Embassy (Sharn)
- Zilasalza
- Zilspar
- Zja Aqat
- Zlortharkis
- Znir
- Znir Pact
- Zolanberg
- zombie
- zombie clot
- zone of truth
- Zoratesh
- zorbo
- Zorlan d'Cannith
- Zotharr
- Zurin Souldrinker